PHP code example of ixis / codeception-drupal-content-types

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ixis/codeception-drupal-content-types library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ixis / codeception-drupal-content-types example snippets

\Codeception\Module\Drupal\ContentTypeRegistry\SuiteSettings::$suiteName = 'mysuite';

class AcceptanceHelper extends \Codeception\Module
     * Check a node creation was successful.
     * This overrides the default since the css selectors are different in
     * this site's theme.
     * @see DrupalContentTypeRegistry::seeCreateNodeWasSuccessful()
     * @param WebInterface $I
     *   A reference to the Actor being used.
     * @param string $msg
     *   The success message that should be displayed by Drupal.
     * @param int $nid
     *   The created nid.
    public function seeCreateNodeWasSuccessful($I, $msg, $nid)
        $I->see($msg, ".messages");
        $I->dontSee(" ", ".messages.error");

     * Check a node deletion was successful.
     * This overrides the default since this site redirects to the
     * homepage on node deletion and does not show a message. We
     * therefore do a check by editing the node and make sure it's
     * not found.
     * @see DrupalContentTypeRegistry::seeDeleteNodeWasSuccessful()
     * @param AuthenticatedSteps $I
     *   A reference to the Actor being used.
     * @param int $nid
     *   The deleted nid.
    public function seeDeleteNodeWasSuccessful($I, $nid)
        $I->amOnPage(NodePage::route($nid, true));
        $I->see("we can't find this page", "h1");