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ivanomatteo / laravel-scout-fulltext-engine example snippets
use IvanoMatteo\LaravelScoutFullTextEngine\Parsers\Extractors\CompositeNameExtractor;
use IvanoMatteo\LaravelScoutFullTextEngine\Parsers\Query\QueryParserMysqlFullTextBool;
return [
'scout_engine_name' => 'scout-fulltext-engine',
'fulltext_options' => [
'mode' => 'boolean',
Note on bind_mode == 'join':
it will try to modify selected columns by
adding "model_table.*" if no column was selected or
adding "model_table." prefix to selected columns.
In some cases, for example when using DB::raw(),
you must be careful because the query will be a join,
and you have to avoid column names collisions
'bind_mode' => 'exists', // 'exists' | 'join'
By default fulltext searches will return records
ordered by match score:
but in some case you may want the records to be ordered by
multiple fields, for example: match_score, name
in these cases is necessary to be explicit
!!! only supported with bind_mode = 'join'
'order_by_score' => false,
// this will add a field named 'fulltext_score' to the results.
// it can be useful for tuning fulltext searches
// !!! only supported with bind_mode = 'join'
'add_select_score' => false,
'pre_processing' => [
'query' => [
// the parser will process the text passed to
// search function preparing it for the specific
// fulltext query type
'parser' => QueryParserMysqlFullTextBool::class,
// Extractors will extrapolate metadata from the query text
'extractors' => [
// useful to match dotted words
// must be used also in index_data section
// "N.A.S.A" --extract--> [ "NASA", "N_A_S_A" ]
'class' => DottedWordsExtractor::class,
'must_match' => false, // true -> will prepend "+", for boolean mode, but depends by the parser class
'starts_with' => true, // true -> will append "*", for boolean mode, but depends by the parser class
// composite name extractor will find words
// composed by 1 or 2 characters followed by
// a word longer than 3 characters, for example:
// from "Robert De Niro" --extract--> [ "De_niro" ]
// this is useful to overcome fulltext default words min-length (3 chars)
// (but it will work only if used also in index data section)
'class' => CompositeNameExtractor::class,
'must_match' => false,
'starts_with' => true,
'index_data' => [
'extractors' => [
//this will add extracted metadata to te index
public function getFullTextEntryModel()
return FullTextEntry2::class;
use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;
use IvanoMatteo\LaravelScoutFullTextEngine\Concerns\DirectSearch;
class MyModel extends Model
use Searchable;
use DirectSearch;