PHP code example of itvisionsy / es-orm

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download itvisionsy/es-orm library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


itvisionsy / es-orm example snippets

$result = TypeQuery::builder()
    ->where('key1','some value')
    ->where('key4', ['value1','value2'])
//$result is a \ItvisionSy\EsMapper\Result instance

//init a builder object
$builder = \ItvisionSy\EsMapper\QueryBuilder::make();

//build the query using different methods
$query = $builder
                ->where('key1','some value') //term clause
                ->where('key2',$intValue,'>') //range clause
                ->where('key3','value','!=') //must_not term clause
                ->where('key4', ['value1','value2']) //terms clause
                ->where('email', '', '*=') //wildcard search for all emails
                ->sort('key1','asc') //first sort option
                ->sort('key2',['order'=>'asc','mode'=>'avg']) //second sort option
                ->from(20)->size(20) //results from 20 to 39

//modify the query as you need

//then execute it against a type query
$result = TypeQuery::query($query);
//$result is a \ItvisionSy\EsMapper\Result instance

$result = SomeQuery::all();

$doc = $result[1]; //gets the second document

    IndexQuery::create(array $data, $type, $id=null, array $parameters=[])

   TypeQuery::create(array $data, $id=null, array $parameters=[])

   TypeQuery::find(1)->update(['new_key'=>'value','old_key'=>'new value'],[]);

    protected _allowPublicAccess(){
        return array_merge(parent::_allowPublicAccess(), ['top','any',...]);

+-- TestsIndexQuery (TestsIndexQuery.php)   Main index query class.
|   |                                       Maps results to \Models\ namespace.
|   |
|   +-- \FooTypeQuery (FooTypeQuery.php)    Type index query class.
|   |
|   +-- \BarTypeQuery (BarTypeQuery.php)    Type index query class. 
|-- Models\
    +-- Foo (FooMode.php)                   Foo model class
    +-- Bar (BarModel.php)                  Bar model class