PHP code example of itsemon245 / laravel-pausable-job

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download itsemon245/laravel-pausable-job library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


itsemon245 / laravel-pausable-job example snippets

//Other imports
 use Itsemon245\PausableJob\Traits\Pausable;

class EmailJob implements ShouldQueue
    //Other traits
   use Pausable;

    public function __construct(public Campaign $campaign)
         * Set which model is responsible to pause the job

    public function handle(): void
         * You can pause the job like this with your desired condition
        if ($this->campaign->paused_at) {

        // Handle the actual logic of the job

//Other imports
 use Itsemon245\PausableJob\Traits\HasPausableJobs;

class Campaign extends Model
    //Other traits
   use HasPausableJobs;

class CampaignController extends Controller{

  public function pause(Campaign $campaign){
    //By pausing the campaign the jobs will be automatically paused because of the condition in the EmailJob handle method
    'paused_at' => now()
    return back();
  public function resume(Campaign $campaign){
    'paused_at' => null
  // To actually resume the jobs from paused state you have to call the resumeJob() method from the campaign

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Itsemon245\PausableJob\PausableJobServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate