PHP code example of itools / smartarray

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download itools/smartarray library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


itools / smartarray example snippets


$records = [
    ['id' => 10, 'name' => "John O'Connor",  'city' => 'New York'],
    ['id' => 15, 'name' => 'Xena "X" Smith', 'city' => 'Los Angeles'],
    ['id' => 20, 'name' => 'Tom & Jerry',    'city' => 'Vancouver'],

$users = SmartArray::newSS($records); // Convert to SmartArray of SmartStrings (use new() for regular values)

// Foreach over a SmartArray just like a regular array 
foreach ($users as $user) {
    echo "Name: {$user['name']}, ";  // use regular array syntax
    echo "City: $user->city\n";      // or cleaner object syntax (no curly braces needed)

// Values are automatically HTML-encoded in string contexts to prevent XSS (see SmartString docs more details)
echo $users->first()->name; // Output: John O&apos;Connor
// Use chainable methods to transform data
$userIdAsCSV = $users->pluck('id')->implode(', '); // Output: "10, 15, 20"

// Easily convert back to arrays and original values
$usersArray = $users->toArray(); // Convert back to a regular PHP array and values

// Convert SmartStrings back to original values
// Note: The `value()` method returns the raw value from a `SmartString` object.
$userId = $users->first()->id->value(); // Returns 10 as an integer

$articles = [
    ['title' => 'Astronomers Photograph Distant Galaxy for First Time'],
    ['title' => 'New Species of Butterfly Found in Amazon Rainforest'],
    ['title' => 'Ocean Expedition Maps Unexplored Deep Sea Valleys'],
    ['title' => 'Ancient Star Charts Discovered in Mountain Cave'],
    ['title' => 'Rare Rainbow Clouds Spotted in Nordic Skies'],
    ['title' => 'Desert Expedition Reveals Hidden Oasis Ecosystem'],
    ['title' => 'Mountain Observatory Captures Meteor Shower Images']

$news = SmartArray::new($articles);

// Create a news listing with featured articles
echo "<div class='news-list'>\n";
foreach ($news as $article) {
    // First 3 articles get heading treatment
    if ($article->position() <= 3) {
        echo "<h1>$article->title</h1>\n";
    } else {
        // Remaining articles as regular text
        echo "$article->title<br>\n";
echo "</div>\n";

$topSellers = [
    ['rank' => 1, 'title' => 'The Great Gatsby', 'sales' => 25000000],
    ['rank' => 2, 'title' => '1984', 'sales' => 20000000],
    ['rank' => 3, 'title' => 'To Kill a Mockingbird', 'sales' => 18000000],
    ['rank' => 4, 'title' => 'The Catcher in the Rye', 'sales' => 15000000],
    ['rank' => 5, 'title' => 'The Hobbit', 'sales' => 14000000]

$books = SmartArray::new($topSellers);

// Get specific positions (0-based indexing)
echo $books->nth(0)->title;  // "The Great Gatsby" (first book)
echo $books->nth(2)->title;  // "To Kill a Mockingbird" (third book)

// Use negative indices to count from the end
echo $books->nth(-1)->title; // "The Hobbit" (last book)
echo $books->nth(-2)->title; // "The Catcher in the Rye" (second-to-last)

// Common use cases:

// Get podium finishers in a competition
$goldMedalist   = $results->nth(0);
$silverMedalist = $results->nth(1);
$bronzeMedalist = $results->nth(2);

// Display recent activity with the newest first
$mostRecent       = $activities->nth(0);
$secondMostRecent = $activities->nth(1);

// Show last few items in a feed
$latestLogEntry    = $log->nth(-1);
$secondLatestEntry = $log->nth(-2);

$authors = [
    ['author_id' => 101, 'name' => 'Jane Austen',    'genre' => 'Literary Fiction'],
    ['author_id' => 102, 'name' => 'George Orwell',  'genre' => 'Political Fiction'],
    ['author_id' => 103, 'name' => 'Isaac Asimov',   'genre' => 'Science Fiction'],
    ['author_id' => 104, 'name' => 'Agatha Christie','genre' => 'Mystery'],

// Create a lookup array indexed by author_id
$authorById = SmartArray::new($authors)->indexBy('author_id');

// Now you can quickly look up authors by their ID
echo $authorById[101]->name;  // Output: Jane Austen
echo $authorById[103]->genre; // Output: Science Fiction

// Particularly useful when joining data from multiple sources
$articles = [
    ['article_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Pride and Programming', 'author_id' => 101],
    ['article_id' => 2, 'title' => 'Digital Dystopia',      'author_id' => 102],
    ['article_id' => 3, 'title' => 'Robot Psychology',      'author_id' => 103],

// Display articles with author information
foreach (SmartArray::new($articles) as $article) {
    $author = $authorById[$article->author_id];
    echo "Title: $article->title\n";
    echo "By: $author->name ($author->genre)\n\n";

$books = [
    ['title' => 'Pride and Prejudice', 'author' => 'Jane Austen',   'genre' => 'Literary Fiction', 'year' => 1813],
    ['title' => '1984',                'author' => 'George Orwell', 'genre' => 'Science Fiction',  'year' => 1949],
    ['title' => 'Foundation',          'author' => 'Isaac Asimov',  'genre' => 'Science Fiction',  'year' => 1951],
    ['title' => 'Emma',                'author' => 'Jane Austen',   'genre' => 'Literary Fiction', 'year' => 181],
    ['title' => 'I, Robot',            'author' => 'Isaac Asimov',  'genre' => 'Science Fiction',  'year' => 1950],
    ['title' => 'Persuasion',          'author' => 'Jane Austen',   'genre' => 'Literary Fiction', 'year' => 1818],

// Group books by genre
$booksByGenre = SmartArray::new($books)->groupBy('genre');

// Now you can work with each genre's books separately
foreach ($booksByGenre as $genre => $relatedBooks) {
    echo "\n$genre Books:\n";
    echo str_repeat('-', strlen($genre) + 7) . "\n";

    foreach ($relatedBooks as $book) {
        echo "- $book->title ($book->year)\n";

// Group by author to analyze their work
$booksByAuthor = SmartArray::new($books)->groupBy('author');

foreach ($booksByAuthor as $author => $books) {
    $years = $books->pluck('year')->values()->sort();
    echo "\n$author published {$books->count()} books ({$years->first()}-{$years->last()}):\n";

    foreach ($books->sortBy('year') as $book) {
        echo "- $book->title ($book->year)\n";

$articles = [
   ['article_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Introduction to Testing',  'author_id' => 104],
   ['article_id' => 2, 'title' => 'Understanding Mockups',    'author_id' => 102], 
   ['article_id' => 3, 'title' => 'Data Handling in PHP',     'author_id' => 103],
   ['article_id' => 4, 'title' => 'Best Practices for MySQL', 'author_id' => 104],
   ['article_id' => 5, 'title' => 'Advanced PHP Techniques',  'author_id' => 105],

// Convert ResultSet to MySQL-safe ID list in one expressive line
$authorIdCSV = SmartArray::new($articles)->pluck('author_id')->map('intval')->unique()->implode(',')->ifBlank('0')->value();

// Or for better readability, the same operation can be split across multiple lines:
$authorIdCSV = SmartArray::new($articles)    // Convert ResultSet to SmartArray (nested arrays become SmartArrays)
                ->pluck('author_id')         // Extract just the author_id column: [104, 102, 103, 104, 105]
                ->map('intval')              // Ensure all IDs are integers: [104, 102, 103, 104, 105] 
                ->unique()                   // Remove duplicate IDs: [104, 102, 103, 105]
                ->implode(',')               // Create comma-separated list: "104,102,103,105" (returns SmartString)
                ->ifBlank('0')               // Handle empty ResultSets safely with "0" (SmartString method) 
                ->value();                   // Convert SmartString to raw string value: "104,102,103,105"

// Use in MySQL query - $authorIdCSV is now "104,102,103,105" (or "0" if empty)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE author_id IN ($authorIdCSV)";

$records = [
    ['id' => 10, 'name' => "John O'Connor",  'city' => 'New York'],
    ['id' => 15, 'name' => 'Xena "X" Smith', 'city' => 'Los Angeles'],
    ['id' => 20, 'name' => 'Tom & Jerry',    'city' => 'Vancouver'],
$users = SmartArray::new($records);

foreach ($users as $user) {
    if ($user->isFirst())       { echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='10' style='text-align: center'>\n<tr>\n"; }
    echo "<td><h1>$user->name</h1>$user->city</td>\n"; // values are automatically html encoded by SmartString
    if ($user->isMultipleOf(2)) { echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; }
    if ($user->isLast())        { echo "</tr>\n</table>\n"; }

if ($users->isNotEmpty()) {
    echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='10' style='text-align: center'>\n";
    foreach ($users->chunk(2) as $row) {
        echo "<tr>\n";
        foreach ($row as $user) {
            echo "<td><h1>$user->name</h1>$user->city</td>\n"; // values are automatically html encoded by SmartString
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";

$users = SmartArray::new([
    ['id' => 10, 'name' => "John O'Connor",  'city' => 'New York'],
    ['id' => 20, 'name' => 'Tom & Jerry',    'city' => 'Vancouver'],

Itools\SmartArray\SmartArray Object
    [__DEBUG_INFO__] => // SmartArray debug view, call $var->help() for inline help

    SmartArray([        // Metadata: isFirst: false, isLast: false, position: 0
        SmartArray([    // Metadata: isFirst: true,  isLast: false, position: 1
            id   => SmartString(10),
            name => SmartString("John O'Connor"),
            city => SmartString("New York"),
        SmartArray([    // Metadata: isFirst: false, isLast: true,  position: 2
            id   => SmartString(20),
            name => SmartString("Tom & Jerry"),
            city => SmartString("Vancouver"),

$users->help();  // Displays comprehensive documentation and examples