PHP code example of itjackjw / hyperf-auth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download itjackjw/hyperf-auth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


itjackjw / hyperf-auth example snippets

// config/autoload/exceptions.php
return [
    'handler' => [
        'http' => [

use Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache;
use Qbhy\SimpleJwt\Encoders\Base64UrlSafeEncoder;
use Qbhy\SimpleJwt\EncryptAdapters\PasswordHashEncrypter;

return [
    'default' => [
        'guard'=> 'jwt',
        'provider'=> 'users',
    ] ,
    'guards' => [ // 开发者可以在这里添加自己的 guard ,guard Qbhy\HyperfAuth\AuthGuard 接口
        'sso'=> [
            // 支持的设备,env配置时用英文逗号隔开
            'clients' => explode(',', env('AUTH_SSO_CLIENTS', 'pc')),

            // hyperf/redis 实例
            'redis' => function () {
                return make(\Hyperf\Redis\Redis::class);

            // 自定义 redis key,必须包含 {uid},{uid} 会被替换成用户ID
            'redis_key' => 'u:token:{uid}',

            'driver' => Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Guard\SsoGuard::class,
            // ...$jwtConfig, // 其他配置和 jwt guard的配置一样
        'jwt' => [
            'driver' => Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Guard\JwtGuard::class,
            'provider' => 'users',

            // 以下是 simple-jwt 所需的参数,具体配置文档可以看 config/autoload/auth.php
            'secret' =>env('JWT_SECRET', 'qbhy/hyperf-auth'),
            'ttl' => 60 * 60, // 单位秒
            'default' => PasswordHashEncrypter::class,
            'encoder' => new Base64UrlSafeEncoder(),
//            'cache' => new FilesystemCache(sys_get_temp_dir()), // 如果需要分布式部署,请选择 redis 或者其他支持分布式的缓存驱动
            'cache' => function() {
                return make(Qbhy\HyperfAuth\HyperfRedisCache::class);
        'session' => [
            'driver' => Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Guard\SessionGuard::class,
            'provider' => 'users',
    'providers' => [
        'users' => [
            'driver' => \Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Provider\EloquentProvider::class, // user provider 需要实现 Qbhy\HyperfAuth\UserProvider 接口
            'model' => App\Model\User::class, //  需要实现 Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Authenticatable 接口


namespace App\Controller;

use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Inject;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\Controller;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\GetMapping;
use Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Annotation\Auth;
use Qbhy\HyperfAuth\AuthManager;

* @Controller
* Class IndexController
class IndexController extends AbstractController
   * @Inject
   * @var AuthManager
  protected $auth;

   * @GetMapping(path="/login")
   * @return array
  public function login()
      /** @var User $user */
      $user = User::query()->firstOrCreate(['name' => 'test', 'avatar' => 'avatar']);
      return [
          'status' => $this->auth->guard('session')->login($user),
   * @GetMapping(path="/sso/login")
   * @return array
  public function ssoLogin()
      /** @var User $user */
      $user = User::query()->firstOrCreate(['name' => 'test', 'avatar' => 'avatar']);
      return [
          'token' => $this->auth->guard('sso')->login($user, [],  'pc'), // sso 方法支持第二个参数,传定义好的客户端

   * @Auth("session")
   * @GetMapping(path="/logout")
  public function logout()
      return 'logout ok';

   * 使用 Auth 注解可以保证该方法必须通过某个 guard 的授权,支持同时传多个 guard,不传参数使用默认 guard
   * @Auth("session")
   * @GetMapping(path="/user")
   * @return string
  public function user()
      $user = $this->auth->guard('session')->user();
      return 'hello '.$user->name;


namespace App\Controller;

use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\Middleware;
use Qbhy\HyperfAuth\AuthMiddleware; 
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Inject;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\GetMapping;
use Qbhy\HyperfAuth\AuthManager;

* @Middleware(AuthMiddleware::class)
* Class IndexController
class IndexController extends AbstractController
   * @Inject
   * @var AuthManager
  protected $auth;
   * @GetMapping(path="/user")
   * @return string
  public function user()
      $user = $this->auth->guard()->user();
      return 'hello '.$user->name;


use Qbhy\HyperfAuth\AuthMiddleware; 

class SessionAuthMiddleware extends AuthMiddleware { 
    protected $guards = ['session']; // 支持多个 guard


$auth = auth(); // 控制器内也可以通过 @Inject 注入

$user = new \HyperfTest\DemoUser(1);

// 直接调用 AuthGuard 方法,这种情况下会获取 默认 guard 然后调用 guard 的对应方法
$auth->login($user); // 默认使用 jwt 驱动,该方法将返回 token 字符串
$auth->logout(); // 退出登录
$auth->check(); // 检查是否登录
$auth->id(); // 获取当前登录用户的id,无需查数据库
$auth->guest(); // 是否游客/是否未登录
$auth->user(); // 若登录返回当前登录用户,否则返回null

/** @var \Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Guard\JwtGuard $jwtGuard */
$jwtGuard = $auth->guard('jwt');
$jwtGuard->user('your token or null'); // jwt 驱动支持手动传入 token,如不传或者传null则从 request 中解析
$jwtGuard->check('your token or null');
$jwtGuard->id('your token or null'); // 无需查数据库
$jwtGuard->guest('your token or null');
$jwtGuard->refresh('your token or null'); // 该方法返回新的 token 或者 null
$jwtGuard->login($user, ['sub' => 'qbhy0715','iss' => 'hyperf-auth',]); // 自定义payload
$jwtGuard->getPayload('your token or null'); // 获取自定义 payload

$auth->guard()->login($user); // guard 方法不传参数或者传null都将使用默认值

// 使用 session 驱动需要安装 hyperf/session 并启用 session
$auth->guard('session')->login($user); // guard 方法不传参数或者传null都会获取默认值
php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish 96qbhy/hyperf-auth
php bin/hyperf.php gen:auth-env