PHP code example of italystrap / empress

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download italystrap/empress library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


italystrap / empress example snippets

namespace MyApp;

use ItalyStrap\Config\Config;
use ItalyStrap\Config\ConfigFactory;
use ItalyStrap\Config\ConfigInterface;
use ItalyStrap\Empress\AurynConfigInterface;
use ItalyStrap\Empress\AurynConfig;
use ItalyStrap\Empress\Extension;
use ItalyStrap\Empress\Injector;

 * The better way to add keys to the array configuration is to use the
 * AurynResolver::<CONSTANT KEYS>
 * Keys available are:
 * AurynResolver::PROXY = 'proxies';
 * AurynResolver::SHARING = 'sharing';
 * AurynResolver::ALIASES = 'aliases';
 * AurynResolver::DEFINITIONS = 'definitions';
 * AurynResolver::DEFINE_PARAM = 'define_param';
 * AurynResolver::DELEGATIONS = 'delegations';
 * AurynResolver::PREPARATIONS = 'preparations';

 * First off all we need a configuration
$config = [

	 * Example:
	 * class MyCLass( ConfigInterface $config ) {}
	 * You alias a `ConfigInterface::class` to `Config::class`
	 * $injector->make(MyCLass::class); will be injected with a Config object
	 * @see [Type-Hint Aliasing](
	AurynConfig::ALIASES		=> [
		ConfigInterface::class	=> Config::class,

	 * Example:
	 * class MyCLass( ConfigInterface $global_config, \stdClass $class ) {}
	 * class MyOtherCLass( ConfigInterface $global_config, \stdClass $class ) {}
	 * A new Config instance will be shared, think of it like a singleton but more better and OOP oriented (You can mock it ;-))
	 * The same instance of Config will be injected to MyCLass and MyOtherCLass
	 * $injector->make(MyCLass::class); // Will have $global_config
	 * $injector->make(MyOtherCLass::class); // Will have $global_config
	 * @see [Instance Sharing](
	AurynConfig::SHARING		=> [

	 * This is the new feature for the Auryn\Injector implemented in the bridge adapter
	 * You usually need a lazy value holder in cases where the following applies:
	 *  * your object takes a lot of time and memory to be initialized (with all dependencies)
	 *  * your object is not always used, and the instantiation overhead is avoidable
	 * Example:
	 * class HeavyComplexObject( ...HeavyDependency ){}; // Declared somewhere
	 * $object = $injector->make(HeavyComplexObject::class);
	 * add_{filter|action}( 'event_name', [ $object, 'doSomeStuff' ] );
	 * You can proxies the `HeavyComplexObject::class` dependency
	 * $injector->proxy(HeavyDependency::class);
	 * Or the `HeavyComplexObject::class`
	 * $injector->proxy(HeavyComplexObject::class);
	 * It depends on your business logic.
	 * Let see for example if you have proxies the HeavyComplexObject::class
	 * $proxy = $injector->make(HeavyComplexObject::class);
	 * Now $proxy will be the lazy version of the object (as a proxy) and when the event call it
	 * add_{filter|action}( 'event_name', [ $proxy, 'doSomeStuff' ] );
	 * ::doSomeStuff() will just work as before.
	 * @see [Lazy Loading Value Holder Proxy](
	AurynConfig::PROXY		=> [

	 * Define global parameter
	 * class SomeCLass(string $text) {}
	 * class SomeOtherCLass(string $text) {}
	 * $injector->make(SomeCLass::class);
	 * $injector->make(SomeOtherCLass::class);
	 * Now the `$text` param will be decorated with 'Some Text'
	 * @see [Global Parameter Definitions](
	AurynConfig::DEFINE_PARAM	=> [
		'text'	=> 'Some Text'

	 * Definition for class specific
	 * Example:
	 * class Example(int $param) {}
	 * Now the `$param` will be decorated with 42
	 * class OtherExample(int $param) {}
	 * This will not be decorated with 42 because you have defined only the Example::class parameter
	 * @see [Injection Definitions](
	AurynConfig::DEFINITIONS	=> [
		Example::class	=> [
			':param'	=> 42,

	 * As soon as the instance is created you can prepare some action before use the new created instance
	 * This is the same as:
	 * $class = new \stdClass;
	 * $class->param = 42;
	 * echo $class->param;
	 * @see [Prepares and Setter Injection](
	AurynConfig::PREPARATIONS	=> [
		stdClass::class	=> function ( stdClass $class, Injector $injector ) {
			$class->param = 42;

	 * You can delegate the instantiation of an object to a some kind of callable factory
	 * This will be always used to get the instance of a class.
	 * @see [Instantiation Delegates](
	AurynConfig::DELEGATIONS	=> [
		ConfigInterface::class	=> [ ConfigFactory::class, 'make']

 * Instantiate the Injector
 * Remember that ItalyStrap\Empress\Injector() is the extended class with the proxy functionality
 * The superclass \Auryn\Injector() does not have the ProxyManager in it.
$injector = new \ItalyStrap\Empress\Injector();

 * Pass the $injector instance to the AurynResolver::class as first parameter and a
 * Config::class instance at the second parameters with the configuration array.
$app = new AurynConfig( $injector, ConfigFactory::make( $config ) );

 * Call the AurynResolver::resolve() method to do the autowiring of the application

 * Now that you have autoload your application dependency you can call $injector for instantiating objects
 * when you need them
$example = $injector->make( Example::class );
// $example instanceof Example::class

namespace MyApp;

use ItalyStrap\Config\Config;
use ItalyStrap\Config\ConfigFactory;
use ItalyStrap\Config\ConfigInterface;
use ItalyStrap\Empress\AurynConfigInterface;
use ItalyStrap\Empress\AurynConfig;
use ItalyStrap\Empress\Extension;
use ItalyStrap\Empress\Injector;

$config = [
    'your-key'	=> [
        'Key' => 'Value',

$injector = new \ItalyStrap\Empress\Injector();
$app = new AurynConfig( $injector, ConfigFactory::make( $config ) );

 * If you need more power you can extend the AurynResolver::class BEFORE calling the AurynResolver::resolve() method
 * Create your custom configuration like the follow:
 * $config = [
 * 	'your-key'	=> [
 * 		'Key' => 'Value',
 *  ],
 * ];
 * Now extend the AurynResolver:
	new class implements Extension {

		/** @var string */
		const YOUR_KEY = 'your-key';

		public function name(): string {
			return (string) self::YOUR_KEY;

		 * Called inside the AurynResolver instance
		 * @param AurynConfigInterface $application
		public function execute( AurynConfigInterface $application ) {

			 * ::walk() accept:
			 * self::YOUR_KEY will be a key to search against the config array
			 * [ $this, 'doSomeStuff' ] will be a valid callable to do the work you need.
			$application->walk( (string) self::YOUR_KEY, [$this, 'doSomeStuff'] );

		 * @param string     $array_value Array value from yous configuration
		 * @param int|string $array_key   Array key from your configuration
		 * @param Injector   $injector    An instance of the Injector::class
		public function doSomeStuff( string $array_value, $array_key, Injector $injector ) {
			// Do your logic here

 * You can add as many extensions as you need
 * Now you can call the ::resolve() method

// Do the rest of your stuff