PHP code example of iodatacenters / oktasdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download iodatacenters/oktasdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


iodatacenters / oktasdk example snippets

use Okta;

$okta = new Okta\Client('foo', 'api_key');

$okta = new Okta\Client('foo', 'api_key', [
    'bootstrap' => false, // Don't auto-bootstrap the Okta resource properties
    'preview'   => true,  // Use the okta preview ( domain
    'headers'   => [
        'Some-Header'    => 'Some value',
        'Another-Header' => 'Another value'

// Get a user by ID
$user = $okta->user->get('jpinkerton');

// Add user to a group
$group = $okta->group->addUser($someGroupId, $user->id);

// Get a user's apps
$userApps = $okta->user->apps($user->id);

use Okta;

try {
    $user = $okta->user->get('jpinkerton');
} catch (Okta\Exception as $e) {
    return $e->getErrorSummary();