PHP code example of io238 / eloquent-encoded-ids

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download io238/eloquent-encoded-ids library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


io238 / eloquent-encoded-ids example snippets

route('', User::find(1)) // http://app.test/user/1
route('', User::find(2)) // http://app.test/user/2
route('', User::find(3)) // http://app.test/user/3

route('', User::find(1)) // http://app.test/user/m8y78
route('', User::find(2)) // http://app.test/user/p8b7v
route('', User::find(3)) // http://app.test/user/dvd6v

namespace App\Models;

use Io238\EloquentEncodedIds\Traits\HasEncodedIds;

class User extends Model {

    use HasEncodedIds;

    // ..


class UserController extends Controller {

    public function show(User $user)
        return $user->id; // 1

class User extends Model {

    use HasEncodedIds;

    protected $prefix = 'usr';


return [

    // Minimum length of encoded IDs
    'length'           => 5,

    // Alphabet to be used to generate encoded IDs
    // By default this list excludes ambiguous characters
    'alphabet'         => '123456789abcdefghikmnpqrstuvwxyz',

    // Ignore uppercase/lowercase for encoded IDs
    'case-insensitive' => true,

    // Encryption salt
    // Warning: changing the salt, will produce different encoded IDs
    'salt'             => env('APP_KEY'),

    // Use a prefix to the encoded ID, to be able to recognize the model that the ID belongs to
    'prefix'           => true,

    // Character used to separate the prefix from the encoded ID
    'separator'        => '_',

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="\Io238\EloquentEncodedIds\EncodedIdsProvider" --tag="config"