PHP code example of inteve / types

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download inteve/types library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


inteve / types example snippets

use Inteve\Types\DatabaseDataType;

$type = new DatabaseDataType('INT', [10], ['UNSIGNED']);
$type->hasOption('UNSIGNED'); // returns TRUE
$type->getOptionValue('UNSINGED'); // returns mixed|NULL

use Inteve\Types\HexColor;

$color = new HexColor('0088FF');
$color->getValue(); // returns '0088ff'
$color->getCssValue(); // returns '#0088ff'

// from CSS color
$color = HexColor::fromCssColor('#0088ff');

use Inteve\Types\Html;

$html = new Html('<p>Lorem &gt; ipsum</p>');
(string) $html; // alias for getHtml()

$html->getPlainText(); // returns text without HTML tags & entities ('Lorem > ipsum')

use Inteve\Types\Md5Hash;

$md5 = new Md5Hash($hash);
$md5->getHash(); // returns $hash

// from string
$md5 = Md5Hash::from('Lorem ipsum dolor.');

// from file
$md5 = Md5Hash::fromFile('/path/to/file');

use Inteve\Types\PhpType;

$type = new PhpType('bool');
(string) $type; // alias for getType()
$type->isBasicType(); // returns TRUE

$type = new PhpType(PhpType::class);
$type->isBasicType(); // returns FALSE

$type = PhpType::arrayType();
$type = PhpType::boolType();
$type = PhpType::floatType();
$type = PhpType::intType();
$type = PhpType::stringType();
$type = PhpType::classType(PhpType::class);

$type = PhpType::fromParameterType(new PhpParameterType('string'));

use Inteve\Types\PhpParameterType;

$type = new PhpParameterType('bool');
(string) $type; // alias for getType()
$type->isBasicType(); // returns TRUE

$type = new PhpParameterType(PhpParameterType::class);
$type->isBasicType(); // returns FALSE

$type = PhpParameterType::arrayType();
$type = PhpParameterType::boolType();
$type = PhpParameterType::floatType();
$type = PhpParameterType::intType();
$type = PhpParameterType::stringType();
$type = PhpParameterType::callableType();
$type = PhpParameterType::iterableType();
$type = PhpParameterType::selfType();
$type = PhpParameterType::objectType();
$type = PhpParameterType::classType(PhpParameterType::class);

$type = PhpParameterType::fromPhpType(new PhpType('string'));

use Inteve\Types\Url;

$url = new Url('');
(string) $url; // alias for getUrl()