PHP code example of inteve / datagrid

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download inteve/datagrid library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


inteve / datagrid example snippets

class MyPresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
	protected function createComponentGrid()
		$datasource = new Inteve\DataGrid\DataSources\LeanMapperQuery($this->repository->queryAll(), $this->mapper);
		$grid = new Inteve\DataGrid\DataGrid($datasource);
		$grid->setTemplateFile(__DIR__ . '/@grid.latte'); // optional
		$grid->setItemsOnPage(20, TRUE); // optional

		$grid->addTextColumn('title', 'Title')
			->setCustomRender(function (Entity\Post $post) {
				$label = Html::el();
				return $label;

		$grid->addLinkColumn('url', 'URL');

		$grid->addDateColumn('date', 'Date')

		$grid->addNumberColumn('views', 'Views')
			->setValueProvider(function (Entity\Post $post) {
				return max(1, $post->views);

		$grid->addAction('edit', 'Upravit', $this->lazyLink('edit'));

		$grid->addAction('delete', 'Smazat', $this->lazyLink('delete!'));

		$grid->addTextFilter('title', 'Title');

		$grid->addTextFilter('url', 'URL');

			'date' => 'DESC',
			'title' => 'ASC',

		return $grid;