PHP code example of intersvyaz / yii-tags-dependency
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download intersvyaz/yii-tags-dependency library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
intersvyaz / yii-tags-dependency example snippets
use Intersvyaz\Cache\TagsDependency;
$cache = \Yii::app()->cache;
// save any value into cache with this dependency
$cache->set('cacheKey', 'cacheValue', 0, new TagsDependency(['A', 'B']));
// check if there is a value in cache
// remove (invalidate) one or several tags
// check if cached value is absent in cache
class TestActiveRecord extends \CActiveRecord
// ...
public function behaviors()
return [
'cacheTagBehavior' => [
'class' => CacheTagBehavior::class,
// ...
// in other code:
$models = TestActiveRecord::model()->cacheTag(3600, $dependency)->findAll();
// ...
// read query from cache
$models = TestActiveRecord::model()->cacheTag(3600, $dependency)->findAll();
// ...
$model2 = TestActiveRecord::model()->findByPk(2);
$model2->title = 'test';
// ...
// cache invalid, read query from db
$models = TestActiveRecord::model()->cacheTag(3600, $dependency)->findAll();
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