PHP code example of insomnius / aurphm

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download insomnius/aurphm library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


insomnius / aurphm example snippets

	use Aurphm\Aurphm;

	$credential = "credential";
	$key = "key";

	$hash = Aurphm::hash($credential, $key);
	echo $hash;

    $credential = 'credential';
	$key = 'key';
    $length = 128;
    $iteration = 64;
    $prefix = 'GITHUB';
    $saltalgo = 'SHA1';
    $useruniquealgo = 'SHA256';
    $signaturealgo = 'MD5';
    $hash = Aurphm::init()->setIteration($iteration) // You have to use ini to called this function statically, Set the iteration of pbkdf
                ->setPrefix($prefix) // Set the prefix of the hash
                ->setSignatureLength($length) // Set signature length
                ->setSaltAlgo($saltalgo) // Set salt hash algorithm
                ->setUserUniqueAlgo($useruniquealgo) // Set user unique hash algorithm (hmac algorithm)
                ->setSignatureAlgo($signaturealgo) // Set signature hash algorithm (pbkdf algorithm)
                ->hash($credential, $key);
    echo $hash;

$key = 'key';
$credential = 'credential';

if(Aurphm::authenticate($credential, $key, $hash_value))
    echo "Authentication success!";
    echo "Authentication failed.";