PHP code example of insolita / yii2-skeletest

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download insolita/yii2-skeletest library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


insolita / yii2-skeletest example snippets

            'apps' => [
            //register each application with own test directory - for basic template like this
                                'appPath'  => '@app/',
                                'testPath' => '@app/tests/codeception/unit',
                                'testNs'   => 'tests\codeception\unit',
                                'testerNs' => 'tests\codeception\UnitTester', //optional
            'app'=>'app',//default application key
            'templateFile' => '@vendor/insolita/yii2-skeletest/templates/codeception.php', //or own template
            'overwrite' => false, //overwrite existed test
            'ignoreGetters' => true, //skip getter methods
            'ignoreSetters' => true, //skip setter methods
            'withProtectedMethods' => false, //

php composer.phar 

  ./yii skeletest @app/components/MyComponent.php

  ./yii help skeletest/file