PHP code example of inhere / sroute

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download inhere/sroute library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


inhere / sroute example snippets


use Inhere\Route\Router;

$router = new Router();

use Inhere\Route\Router;

// 需要先加载 autoload 文件
 echo 'hello';

// 开始调度运行

// 匹配 GET 请求. 处理器是个闭包 Closure
$router->get('/', function() {
    echo 'hello';

// 匹配参数 'test/john'
$router->get('/test/{name}', function($params) {
    echo $params['name']; // 'john'
}, [
      'name' => '\w+', // 添加参数匹配限制。若不添加对应的限制,将会自动设置为匹配除了'/'外的任何字符

// 可选参数支持。匹配  'hello' 'hello/john'
$router->get('/hello[/{name}]', function() {
    echo $params['name'] ?? 'No input'; // 'john'
}, [
     'name' => '\w+', // 添加参数匹配限制

// 匹配 POST 请求
$router->post('/user/login', function() {

// 匹配 GET 或者 POST
$router->map(['get', 'post'], '/user/login', function() {
    var_dump($_GET, $_POST);

// 允许任何请求方法
$router->any('/home', function() {
    echo 'hello, you request page is /home';
$router->any('/404', function() {
    echo "Sorry,This page not found.";

// 路由组
$router->group('/user', function ($router) {
    $router->get('/', function () {
        echo 'hello. you access: /user/';
    $router->get('/index', function () {
        echo 'hello. you access: /user/index';

// 使用 控制器
$router->get('/', App\Controllers\HomeController::class);
$router->get('/index', 'App\Controllers\HomeController@index');

$router->any('*', 'fallback_handler');

/hello[/{name}]      // match: /hello/tom   /hello
/my[/{name}[/{age}]] // match: /my/tom/78  /my/tom

    'autoRoute' => 1, // 启用
    'controllerNamespace' => 'App\\Controllers', // 控制器类所在命名空间
    'controllerSuffix' => 'Controller', // 控制器类后缀

// set config
    'ignoreLastSlash' => true,    
    'autoRoute' => 1,
    'controllerNamespace' => 'app\\controllers',
    'controllerSuffix' => 'Controller',
array public function match($path, $method)

$path = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);

$routeInfo = $router->match($path, $method);

use Inhere\Route\Dispatcher\Dispatcher;

$dispatcher = new Dispatcher([
    // default action method name
    'defaultAction' => 'index',

    'actionPrefix' => '',

    'actionSuffix' => 'Action',

    'dynamicAction' => true,
    // @see Router::$globalParams['act']
    'dynamicActionVar' => 'act',

// 成功匹配路由
$dispatcher->on(Dispatcher::ON_FOUND, function ($uri, $cb) use ($app) {
    $app->logger->debug("Matched uri path: $uri, setting callback is: " . is_string($cb) ? $cb : get_class($cb));

// 当匹配失败, 重定向到 '/404'
$dispatcher->on('notFound', '/404');
// 或者, 当匹配失败, 输出消息...
$dispatcher->on('notFound', function ($uri) {
    echo "the page $uri not found!";

$router->get('/', App\Controllers\HomeController::class);

$router->get('/index', 'App\Controllers\HomeController@index');
$router->get('/about', 'App\Controllers\HomeController@about');

'dynamicAction' => true,  // 启用
// action 方法名匹配参数名称,符合条件的才会当做action名称
// @see Router::$globalParams['act'] 匹配 '[a-zA-Z][\w-]+'
'dynamicActionVar' => 'act',

// 访问 '/home/test' 将会执行 'App\Controllers\HomeController::test()'
$router->any('/home/{act}', App\Controllers\HomeController::class);

// 可匹配 '/home', '/home/test' 等
$router->any('/home[/{act}]', App\Controllers\HomeController::class);

// 访问 '/user', 将会调用 App\Controllers\UserController::run('')
$router->get('/user', 'App\Controllers\UserController');

// 访问 '/user/profile', 将会调用 App\Controllers\UserController::run('profile')
$router->get('/user/profile', 'App\Controllers\UserController');

// 同时配置 'actionExecutor' => 'run' 和 'dynamicAction' => true,
// 访问 '/user', 将会调用 App\Controllers\UserController::run('')
// 访问 '/user/profile', 将会调用 App\Controllers\UserController::run('profile')
$router->any('/user[/{name}]', 'App\Controllers\UserController');

php example/benchmark.php