PHP code example of inhere / php-validate

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download inhere/php-validate library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


inhere / php-validate example snippets

    ['tagId,userId,name,email,freeTime', '

    ['field', '

use Inhere\Validate\Validation;

class SomeController
    public function demoAction()
        $v = Validation::check($_POST,[
            // add rule
            ['title', 'min', 40],
            ['freeTime', 'number'],

        if ($v->isFail()) {

        // $postData = $v->all(); // 原始数据
        $safeData = $v->getSafeData(); // 验证通过的安全数据


// 验证 POST 数据
$v = PageRequest::check($_POST);

// 验证失败
if ($v->isFail()) {

// 验证成功 ...
$safeData = $v->getSafeData(); // 验证通过的安全数据
// $postData = $v->all(); // 原始数据


class DataModel
    use \Inhere\Validate\ValidationTrait;

    protected $data = [];

    protected $db;

     * @param array $data
     * @return $this
    public function load(array $data)
        $this->data = $data;

        return $this;

    public function create()
        if ($this->validate()->isFail()) {
            return false;

        return $this->db->insert($this->getSafeData());

// on model class
class UserModel extends DataModel
    public function rules(): array
        return [
            ['username, passwd', '            ['id', 'number', 'on' => 'update' ], // 仅作用于场景 update
            ['createdAt, updatedAt', 'safe'],

// on controller action ...
class UserController
    // in action
    // @api /user/add
    public function addAction()
        $model = new UserModel;
        // 载入提交数据并设定场景为: create

        if (!$ret = $model->create()) {

        echo "add success: userId = $ret";

$v = Validation::make($_POST,[
        // add rule
        ['title', 'min', 40],
        ['freeTime', 'number'],
        ['title', 'checkTitle'],
    ->addValidator('checkTitle',function($title) { // 第一个参数是字段值。最后一个参数总是 $data
        // some logic ...

        return true; // 成功返回 True。验证失败,返回 False.
    }, '{attr} default message!')

    ['status', function($status) { // 第一个参数是字段值。最后一个参数总是 $data
        if ($status > 3) {
            return true;

        return false;

class AdemoValidator extends \Inhere\Validate\Validator\AbstractValidator

    public function validate($value, $data): bool
        if ($value == 1) {
            return true;
        return false;


// 使用
    ['status', new AdemoValidator()],

use Inhere\Validate\Validation;

class PageValidation extends Validation
    # 进行验证前处理,返回false则停止验证,但没有错误信息,可以在逻辑中调用 addError 增加错误信息
    public function beforeValidate(): bool
        return true;
    # 进行验证后处理,该干啥干啥
    public function afterValidate(): bool
        return true;

use Inhere\Validate\Validation;

$v = Validation::make(['name' => 'inhere'], [
    ['name', 'string', 'min' => 3, 'filter' => 'trim|upper']

$v->onBeforeValidate(function (Validation $v) {
    return true;

$v->onAfterValidate(function (Validation $v) {



// a full rule
 // basic validate setting
 'field0,field1,...', 'validator', 'arg0', 'arg1', ...,

 // some extended option settings
 'skipOnEmpty' => 'bool',
 'msg' => 'string|array',
 'default' => 'mixed',
 'on' => 'string|array'
 'isEmpty' => 'callback(string|closure)',
 'when' => 'callback(string|closure)',
 'filter' => 'callback(string|array|closure)'

['page', 'number', 'default' => 1],
['pageSize', 'number', 'default' => 15],

['title', 'customValidator', 'msg' => '{attr} error msg!' ], // 指定当前规则的消息
// o, 可以是数组哦 :)
['tagId,title,userId,freeTime', '

    // 在继承了 Validation 的子类 ValidationClass 中 ...
    public function rules(): array
         return [
            ['title', 'ate,update' ],

    // ...
    $valid = ValidationClass::make($_POST)->atScene('update')->validate();
    // ...

    // 在继承了 Validation 的子类中 ...
    public function rules(): array
         return [
            ['title', '            }],

['name', 'string']

['name', ''string' ]

['name', 'string', 'skipOnEmpty' => false ]

['name', 'string', 'isEmpty' => function($value) {
    return true or false;

['users.*.id', 'each', 'be verified
    foreach ($value as $item) {
        if ($item instanceof \Inhere\Validate\Exception\ArrayValueNotExists) {
            return true;
    // your code here ...

['tagId,userId,freeTime', 'number', 'filter' => 'int'],
['field', 'validator', 'filter' => 'filter0|filter1...'],

// 需要自定义性更高时,可以使用数组。
['field1', 'validator', 'filter' => [
    ['Class', 'method'],
    ['Object', 'method'],
    // 追加额外参数。 传入时,第一个参数总是要过滤的字段值,其余的依次追加
    'myFilter' => ['arg1', 'arg2'],
    // 直接使用闭包
    function($val) {
        return str_replace(' ', '', $val);

    // 在继承了 Validation 的子类 ValidationClass 中 ...

    // 定义不同场景需要验证的字段。
    // 功能跟规则里的 'on' 类似,两者尽量不要同时使用,以免混淆。
    public function scenarios(): array
        return [
            'create' => ['user', 'pwd', 'code'],
            'update' => ['user', 'pwd'],

    // 在继承了 Validation 的子类 ValidationClass 中 ...
    public function rules(): array
         return [
            ['title', 'ate,update' ],




['createdAt, updatedAt', 'safe']

$v = Validation::make($_POST, [
    // [...],
    // some rules ...
// ...

    'goods' => [
        'apple' => 34,
        'pear' => 50,

    ['goods.pear', 'max', 30], //goods 下的 pear 值最大不能超过 30

  'goods' => [
       'apple' => 34,
       'pear' => 50,
  'users' => [
       ['id' => 34, 'name' => 'tom'],
       ['id' => 89, 'name' => 'john'],

    ['goods.*', 'each', 'number'], //goods 下的 每个值 都必须为大于0 的整数
    // 写法是等效的
    // ['goods', 'each', 'number'], //goods 下的 每个值 都必须为大于0 的整数

    // 多维数组
    ['users.*.id', 'each', '

public function setScene(string $scene)
public function atScene(string $scene) // setScene 的别名方法

public function validate(array $onlyChecked = [], $stopOnError = null)

public function addValidator(string $name, \Closure $callback, string $msg = '')

public function getErrors(): array

    ['name' => 'field1', 'msg' => 'error Message1' ],
    ['name' => 'field2', 'msg' => 'error Message2' ],

public function firstError($onlyMsg = true)

public function lastError($onlyMsg = true)

public function getSafeData(): array|\stdClass

public function val(string $key, $default = null) // getSafe() 的别名方法
public function getValid(string $key, $default = null) // getSafe() 的别名方法
public function getSafe(string $key, $default = null)

public function all(): array

public function getRaw(string $key, $default = null)
composer ser 

// 验证失败
public function isFail()
public function hasError() // isFail() 的别名方法

// 成功通过验证
public function isOk()
public function isPassed()