1. Go to this page and download the library: Download inhere/php-validate library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
inhere / php-validate example snippets
['tagId,userId,name,email,freeTime', '
['field', '
use Inhere\Validate\Validation;
class SomeController
public function demoAction()
$v = Validation::check($_POST,[
// add rule
['title', 'min', 40],
['freeTime', 'number'],
if ($v->isFail()) {
// $postData = $v->all(); // 原始数据
$safeData = $v->getSafeData(); // 验证通过的安全数据
class AdemoValidator extends \Inhere\Validate\Validator\AbstractValidator
public function validate($value, $data): bool
if ($value == 1) {
return true;
return false;
// 使用
['status', new AdemoValidator()],
use Inhere\Validate\Validation;
class PageValidation extends Validation
# 进行验证前处理,返回false则停止验证,但没有错误信息,可以在逻辑中调用 addError 增加错误信息
public function beforeValidate(): bool
return true;
# 进行验证后处理,该干啥干啥
public function afterValidate(): bool
return true;
public function val(string $key, $default = null) // getSafe() 的别名方法
public function getValid(string $key, $default = null) // getSafe() 的别名方法
public function getSafe(string $key, $default = null)
public function all(): array
public function getRaw(string $key, $default = null)
composer ser
// 验证失败
public function isFail()
public function hasError() // isFail() 的别名方法
// 成功通过验证
public function isOk()
public function isPassed()
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