PHP code example of ingenerator / oidc-token-verifier
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ingenerator/oidc-token-verifier library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
ingenerator / oidc-token-verifier example snippets
// Where the AUTHORIZATION header is `Bearer {token}`
use Google\Auth\Cache\SysVCacheItemPool;use Ingenerator\OIDCTokenVerifier\OIDCTokenVerifier;use Ingenerator\OIDCTokenVerifier\OpenIDDiscoveryCertificateProvider;use Ingenerator\OIDCTokenVerifier\TokenConstraints;use Ingenerator\OIDCTokenVerifier\TokenVerificationResult;use Psr\Log\NullLogger;use test\mock\Ingenerator\OIDCTokenVerifier\Cache\MockCacheItemPool;
[$bearer, $jwt] = explode(' ', $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']);
$verifier = new OIDCTokenVerifier(
new OpenIDDiscoveryCertificateProvider(
new \GuzzleHttp\Client,
// Any psr-6 CacheItemPoolInterface implementation, used for caching issuer certificates
new CacheItemPoolInterface,
new NullLogger // Any PSR logger
// You *must* explicitly provide the issuer your application expects to receive tokens from.
// The verifier will *only* request certificates from this issuer. Otherwise, any third party could set up an HTTP
// certificate endpoint and send you tokens signed by them.
// If your application may receive tokens from more than one issuer, you will need to (securely) identify the issuer
// of a specific token and then create an appropriate verifier.
// See below for details of the TokenConstraints argument
$result = $verifier->verify($jwt, TokenConstraints::signatureCheckOnly());
// You can either interrogate the result like this
if ( ! $result->isVerified()) {
echo $result->getFailure()->getMessage()."\n";
} else {
// The JWT payload is available from the result object
echo "Authorised as ".$result->getPayload()->email."\n";
// Or if you'd prefer to throw an exception on failed auth this will:
// - Throw TokenVerificationFailedException if verification failed
// - Return the verified result if successful
$result = TokenVerificationResult::enforce($result);
$verifier->verify($jwt, new TokenConstraints([
// The audience (`aud` claim) of the JWT must exactly match this value
// Some google services use the URL that is being called. Others provide a custom value - an app/client ID, etc
'audience_exact' => '',
// The audience (`aud` claim) of the JWT is a URL and the path (and querystring if any) must match this value
// In some loadbalanced environments it's hard to detect the external protocol or hostname from an incoming
// request - e.g. a request to may appear to PHP as being to http://app.cluster.local.
// Although this can be worked round with custom headers (X_FORWARDED_PROTO etc) these introduce other risks and
// ultimately couple the app implementation to architectural concerns. In many cases, it's enough to verify the
// the resource the token was generated for (path and querystring) without caring about scheme and hostname. This
// alone prevents using a stolen token to perform a different operation. Cross-environment / cross-site attacks
// are instead protected by using different service accounts for each separate logical system so that e.g a token
// generated for QA cannot ever authorise that operation in production regardless of the hostnames used.
'audience_path_and_query' => 'http://appserver.internal/action?record_id=15',
// The JWT must contain an `email` claim, and it must exactly match this value
'email_exact' => '[email protected]',
// The JWT must contain an `email` claim, and it must exactly match one of these values
// Useful when you have a short list of service accounts that may be allowed to call your endpoint
'email_exact' => [
'[email protected]',
'[email protected]',
// The JWT must contain an `email` claim, and it must match this regex
// Useful when you want to e.g. authorize all service accounts in a particular domain - use with caution!
'email_match' => '/@myproject.serviceaccount.test$/'
class MyTokenConstraints extends TokenConstraints {
protected static function getAllMatchers(): array {
$matchers = parent::getAllMatchers();
// Constraint matchers are an array of {name} => boolean function indicating if the payload matches
$matchers['user_role_contains'] = function (\stdClass $payload, string $expect) {
// $payload is the decoded JWT
// We check it has a custom claim ->user_roles as an array of roles
return in_array($expect, $payload->user_roles ?? [], TRUE);
return $matchers;
$verifier->verify($jwt, new MyTokenConstraints([
'audience_exact' => '',
'user_role_contains' => 'administrator'
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