PHP code example of infocyph / pathwise

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download infocyph/pathwise library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


infocyph / pathwise example snippets

use Infocyph\Pathwise\FileManager\SafeFileReader;

$reader = new SafeFileReader('/path/to/file.txt');

// Line-by-line iteration
foreach ($reader->line() as $line) {
    echo $line;

// JSON decoding with error handling
foreach ($reader->json() as $data) {

use Infocyph\Pathwise\FileManager\SafeFileWriter;

$writer = new SafeFileWriter('/path/to/file.txt');

// Writing lines
$writer->line('Hello, World!');

// Writing JSON data
$writer->json(['key' => 'value']);

use Infocyph\Pathwise\FileManager\FileOperations;

$fileOps = new FileOperations('/path/to/file.txt');

// Check existence
if ($fileOps->exists()) {
    echo 'File exists';

// Read content
echo $fileOps->read();

use Infocyph\Pathwise\FileManager\FileCompression;

$compression = new FileCompression('/path/to/');

// Compress a directory

// Decompress

use Infocyph\Pathwise\DirectoryManager\DirectoryOperations;

$dirOps = new DirectoryOperations('/path/to/directory');

// Create a directory

// List contents
$contents = $dirOps->listContents(detailed: true);

use Infocyph\Pathwise\Utils\PathHelper;

$absolutePath = PathHelper::toAbsolutePath('relative/path');
echo $absolutePath;

$joinedPath = PathHelper::join('/var', 'www', 'html');
echo $joinedPath;

use Infocyph\Pathwise\Utils\PermissionsHelper;

// Get human-readable permissions
echo PermissionsHelper::getHumanReadablePermissions('/path/to/file');

// Check if writable
if (PermissionsHelper::canWrite('/path/to/file')) {
    echo 'File is writable';

use Infocyph\Pathwise\Utils\MetadataHelper;

// Get file size
$size = MetadataHelper::getFileSize('/path/to/file');
echo "File size: $size bytes";

// Retrieve metadata
$metadata = MetadataHelper::getAllMetadata('/path/to/file');

$size = getHumanReadableFileSize(123456789);
echo $size; // Output: "117.74 MB"

$isEmpty = isDirectoryEmpty('/path/to/directory');
echo $isEmpty ? 'Empty' : 'Not Empty';

$success = deleteDirectory('/path/to/directory');
echo $success ? 'Deleted successfully' : 'Failed to delete';

$size = getDirectorySize('/path/to/directory');
echo "Directory size: " . getHumanReadableFileSize($size);

$success = createDirectory('/path/to/new/directory');
echo $success ? 'Directory created' : 'Failed to create directory';

$files = listFiles('/path/to/directory');

$success = copyDirectory('/source/directory', '/destination/directory');
echo $success ? 'Copied successfully' : 'Failed to copy';