PHP code example of influxdb / influxdb-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download influxdb/influxdb-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


influxdb / influxdb-php example snippets

$client = new InfluxDB\Client($host, $port);

// directly get the database object
$database = InfluxDB\Client::fromDSN(sprintf('influxdb://user:pass@%s:%s/%s', $host, $port, $dbname));

// get the client to retrieve other databases
$client = $database->getClient();

// fetch the database
$database = $client->selectDB('influx_test_db');

// executing a query will yield a resultset object
$result = $database->query('select * from test_metric LIMIT 5');

// get the points from the resultset yields an array
$points = $result->getPoints();

// retrieve points with the query builder
$result = $database->getQueryBuilder()

// get the query from the QueryBuilder
$query = $database->getQueryBuilder()
	->where(["region = 'us-west'"])

// use the getLastQuery() method
$lastQuery = $client->getLastQuery();

// or access the static variable directly:
$lastQuery = Client::lastQuery;

// Fetch the database using a 5 second time out
$database = InfluxDB\Client::fromDSN(sprintf('influxdb://user:pass@%s:%s/%s', $host, $port, $dbname), 5);

// create an array of points
$points = array(
	new Point(
		'test_metric', // name of the measurement
		0.64, // the measurement value
		['host' => 'server01', 'region' => 'us-west'], // optional tags
		['cpucount' => 10], // optional additional fields
		1435255849 // Time precision has to be set to seconds!
    new Point(
    	'test_metric', // name of the measurement
		0.84, // the measurement value
		['host' => 'server01', 'region' => 'us-west'], // optional tags
		['cpucount' => 10], // optional additional fields
		1435255849 // Time precision has to be set to seconds!

// we are writing unix timestamps, which have a second precision
$result = $database->writePoints($points, Database::PRECISION_SECONDS);

$points = [
	new Point(
		'instance', // the name of the measurement
		null, // measurement value
		['host' => 'server01', 'region' => 'us-west'], // measurement tags
		['cpucount' => 10, 'free' => 1], // measurement fields
		exec('date +%s%N') // timestamp in nanoseconds on Linux ONLY
	new Point(
		'instance', // the name of the measurement
		null, // measurement value
		['host' => 'server01', 'region' => 'us-west'], // measurement tags
		['cpucount' => 10, 'free' => 2], // measurement fields
		exec('date +%s%N') // timestamp in nanoseconds on Linux ONLY

// set the UDP driver in the client
$client->setDriver(new \InfluxDB\Driver\UDP($client->getHost(), 4444));

$points = [
	new Point(
		['host' => 'server01', 'region' => 'us-west'],
		['cpucount' => 10],
		exec('date +%s%N') // this will produce a nanosecond timestamp on Linux ONLY

// now just write your points like you normally would
$result = $database->writePoints($points);

// get a database object using a DSN (Data Source Name)
$database = \InfluxDB\Client::fromDSN('udp+influxdb://username:pass@localhost:4444/test123');

// write your points
$result = $database->writePoints($points);

// Points will database->writePoints($points);

// Points will ON_SECONDS);

// Points will 

list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
$timestamp = sprintf('%d%06d', $sec, $usec*1000000);

// create the client
$client = new \InfluxDB\Client($host, $port, '', '');

// select the database
$database = $client->selectDB('influx_test_db');

// create the database with a retention policy
$result = $database->create(new RetentionPolicy('test', '5d', 1, true));

// check if a database exists then create it if it doesn't
$database = $client->selectDB('test_db');

if (!$database->exists()) {
	$database->create(new RetentionPolicy('test', '1d', 2, true));

$database->alterRetentionPolicy(new RetentionPolicy('test', '2d', 5, true));

$result = $database->listRetentionPolicies();

$result = $database->createRetentionPolicy(new RetentionPolicy('test2', '30d', 1, true));

// list users
$result = $client->listUsers();

// list databases
$result = $client->listDatabases();

// add a new user without privileges
$client->admin->createUser('testuser123', 'testpassword');

// add a new user with ALL cluster-wide privileges
$client->admin->createUser('admin_user', 'password', \InfluxDB\Client\Admin::PRIVILEGE_ALL);

// drop user testuser123

// show a list of all users
$results = $client->admin->showUsers();

// show users returns a ResultSet object
$users = $results->getPoints();

// grant permissions using a database object
$database = $client->selectDB('test_db');
$client->admin->grant(\InfluxDB\Client\Admin::PRIVILEGE_READ, 'testuser123', $database);

// give user testuser123 read privileges on database test_db
$client->admin->grant(\InfluxDB\Client\Admin::PRIVILEGE_READ, 'testuser123', 'test_db');

// revoke user testuser123's read privileges on database test_db
$client->admin->revoke(\InfluxDB\Client\Admin::PRIVILEGE_READ, 'testuser123', 'test_db');

// grant a user cluster-wide privileges
$client->admin->grant(\InfluxDB\Client\Admin::PRIVILEGE_READ, 'testuser123');

// Revoke an admin's cluster-wide privileges
$client->admin->revoke(\InfluxDB\Client\Admin::PRIVILEGE_ALL, 'admin_user');
$ composer