1. Go to this page and download the library: Download infinityfree/acmecore library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
infinityfree / acmecore example snippets
$secureHttpClientFactory = new SecureHttpClientFactory(
new GuzzleHttpClient(),
new Base64SafeEncoder(),
new KeyParser(),
new DataSigner(),
new ServerErrorHandler()
// $accountKeyPair instance of KeyPair
$secureHttpClient = $secureHttpClientFactory->createSecureHttpClient($accountKeyPair);
// Important, change to production LE directory for real certs!
$acmeClient = new AcmeClient($secureHttpClient, 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory');
// Request a certificate for mydomain.com.
$certificateOrder = $acmeClient->requestOrder('mydomain.com');
// Retrieve the challenges to complete for mydomain.com.
$challenges = $certificateOrder->getAuthorizationChallenges('mydomain.com');
// Now complete the challenge for the domain.
// Find the challenge object for the verification type you want to do, e.g. http-01, dns-01.
$challenge = $challenges[0];
// Ask the CA to confirm the authorization.
$challenge = $acmeClient->challengeAuthorization($dnsChallenge);
// Wait for the CA to complete the authorization.
// This example uses a sleep loop, but you can schedule your own.
while ($challenge->getStatus() != 'ready') {
$challenge = $acmeClient->reloadAuthorization($challenge);
// Prepare the CSR
$dn = new DistinguishedName('mydomain.com');
$keyPairGenerator = new KeyPairGenerator();
// Make a new key pair. We'll keep the private key as our cert key
$domainKeyPair = $keyPairGenerator->generateKeyPair();
// This is the private key
echo $domainKeyPair->getPrivateKey()->getPem());
// Generate CSR
$csr = new CertificateRequest($dn, $domainKeyPair);
// Tell the CA to generate the certificate.
$certificateOrder = $acmeClient->finalizeOrder($certificateOrder, $csr);
// Wait for the CA to complete the issuance.
// This example uses a sleep loop, but you can schedule your own.
while ($certificateOrder->getStatus() != 'issued') {
$certificateOrder = $acmeClient->reloadOrder($certificateOrder->getOrderEndpoint());
// Retrieve the generated certificate.
$certificate = $acmeClient->retrieveCertificate($certificateOrder);
// This is the generated certificate.
echo $certificate->getPem();
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