PHP code example of infinety-es / filemanager

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download infinety-es/filemanager library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


infinety-es / filemanager example snippets


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Infinety\FileManager\FileManagerServiceProvider"

return array(

    | Path home for your file manager
    'homePath'  => public_path(),

    | Default routes for your file manager. You can modify here:
    'defaultRoute'  => 'admin/filemanager',

    | User middleware. You can use or single string or array based
    'middleware'  => ['web', 'auth'],

    | Use this options if you want to sanitize file and folder names
    'validName'  => true,

    | Files You don't want to show on File Manager
    'exceptFiles'   => array( 'robots.txt', 'index.php', '.DS_Store', '.Thumbs.db'),

    | Folders names you don't want to show on File Manager
    'exceptFolders' => array( 'vendor', 'thumbs', 'filemanager_assets'),

    | Extensions you don't want to show on File Manager
    'exceptExtensions'  => array( 'php', 'htaccess', 'gitignore'),

    | Append tu url. For if you use a custom service to load assets by url. Example here:
    'appendUrl'  => null,

    | If optimizeImages is set tu true, action to optimize images will be available under contextualMenu.
    | Images will be also optimized by method upload
    | False by default
    'optimizeImages' => false,

    | Path for pngquant. This is used to auto optimize png files. If set to null, FileManager will not optimize png files.
    | You must install pngquant in your host.
    | Must have optimizeImages option set to true
    | Null by default
    'pngquantPath'  => null,

    | Path for pngquant. This is used to auto optimize jpg files. If set to null, FileManager will not optimize jpg files.
    | You must install JPEG Archive in your host.
    | Must have optimizeImages option set to true
    | Null by default
    'jpegRecompressPath'  => null,
