PHP code example of imseyed / auth2fa

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download imseyed/auth2fa library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


imseyed / auth2fa example snippets

$totp = imseyed\Auth2FA::TOTP($secret, $timeSlice);
 $totp is a OPT code like: 458905

$expirationTime = imseyed\Auth2FA::expire_time($timeSlice);
echo "Expire on ".date("H:i:s", $expirationTime)." (".($expirationTime - time())."s remind)";
 $expirationTime is a unix timestamp like: 1722929683

$code = imseyed\Auth2FA::HOTP($secret, $counter);
 $code is string like: 111222

$length = 16; // Secret key lenght
$secret = \imseyed\Auth2FA::generate_secret($length);
 $secret is string like: OVZ7JFIPIXE4RTCE