PHP code example of improved / iterable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download improved/iterable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


improved / iterable example snippets

use Improved as i;

$filteredValues = i\iterable_filter($values, function($value) {
   return is_int($value) && $value > 10;

$uniqueValues = i\iterable_unique($filteredValues);

$mappedValues = i\iterable_map($uniqueValues, function($value) {
    return $value * $value - 1;

$firstValues = i\iterable_slice($mappedValues, 0, 10);

$result = i\iterable_to_array($firstValues);

use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline;

$result = Pipeline::with($values)
    ->filter(function($value) {
        return is_int($value) && $value < 10;
    ->map(function($value) {
        return $value * $value - 1;

use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline;

    new Person("Max", 18),
    new Person("Peter", 23),
    new Person("Pamela", 23)

$dirs = new Pipeline(new \DirectoryIterator('some/path'));

use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline;

$blueprint = Pipeline::build()
    ->filter(function(string $value): bool) {
        strlen($value) > 10;
// later
$pipeline = $blueprint->with($iterable);

use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline;

$unique = Pipeline::build()

$result = $unique($values);

use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline;

$first = Pipeline::build()->unique()->values();
$second = Pipeline::build()->map(function($value) {
    return ucwords($value);

$titles = $first->then($second);

$result = $titles($values);

use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline;

class MyPipeline extends Pipeline
    function product()
        $product = 1;
        foreach ($this->iterable as $value) {
            $product *= $value;
        return $product;

$product = (new MyPipeline)->column('amount')->product();

$pipeline = (new Pipeline)->column('amount');

$product = $pipeline 
    ->then(function(iterable $iterable) {
        return new MyPipeline($iterable);

$builder = (new PipelineBuilder)
    ->then(function(iterable $iterable) {
        return new MyPipeline($iterable);

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red'])
    ->then(function(\Traversable $values): \Generator {
        foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
            yield $key[0] => "$value $key";
    ->toArray(); // ['a' => 'green apple', 'b' => 'blue berry', 'c' => 'red cherry']

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red'])
    ->then(function(\Traversable $values): \Iterator {
        return new MyCustomIterator($values);

Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"])

    ->apply(function($object, $key) {
        $object->type = $key;

Pipeline::with([3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 3, 6, 5])
    ->map(function(int $i): int {
        return $i * $i;
    ->toArray(); // [9, 4, 4, 9, 49, 9, 36, 25]

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red'])
    ->map(function(string $value, string $key): string {
        return "{$value} {$key}";
    ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green apple', 'berry' => 'blue berry', 'cherry' => 'red cherry']

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red'])
    ->mapKeys(function(string $value, string $key): string {
        return subst($key, 0, 1);
    ->toArray(); // ['a' => 'green', 'b' => 'blue', 'c' => 'red']

$persons = [
    'client' => new Person("Max", 18),
    'seller' => new Person("Peter", 23),
    'lawyer' => new Person("Pamela", 23)

    ->apply(function(Person $value, string $key): void {
        $value->role = $key;

Pipeline::with(['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX', 'X'])
// <iterator>[
//     <iterator>['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV'],
//     <iterator>['V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII'],
//     <iterator>['IX', 'X']
// ]

Pipeline::with(['apple', 'berry', 'cherry', 'apricot'])
    ->group(function(string $value): string {
        return $value[0];
// ['a' => ['apple', 'apricot'], 'b' => ['berry'], 'c' => ['cherry']]

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange'])
    ->group(function(string $value, string $key): string {
        return $key[0];

// ['a' => ['apple' => 'green', 'apricot' => 'orange'], 'b' => ['berry' => 'blue'], 'c' => ['cherry' => 'red']]

$groups = [
    ['one', 'two'],
    ['three', 'four', 'five'],

    ->toArray(); // ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven']

$elements = [
    ['ref' => 'a', 'numbers' => ['I' => 'one', 'II' => 'two']],
    ['ref' => 'b', 'numbers' => 'three'],
    ['ref' => 'c', 'numbers' => []]

// [
//     ['ref' => 'a', 'numbers' => 'one'],
//     ['ref' => 'a', 'numbers' => 'two'],
//     ['ref' => 'b', 'numbers' => 'three'],
//     ['ref' => 'c', 'numbers' => null]
// ]

    ->unwind('numbers', 'nrkey')
// [
//     ['ref' => 'a', 'numbers' => 'one', 'nrkey' => 'I'],
//     ['ref' => 'a', 'numbers' => 'two', 'nrkey' => 'II],
//     ['ref' => 'b', 'numbers' => 'three', 'nrkey' => null],
//     ['ref' => 'c', 'numbers' => null, 'nrkey' => null]
// ]

$fields = ['foo', 'bar', 'qux'];

    ->toArray(); // ['foo' => 42, 'bar' => 42, 'qux' => 42]

$rows = [
    ['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => 'tres', 'four' => 'cuatro', 'five' => 'cinco'],
    ['one' => 'yi', 'two' => 'er', 'three' => 'san', 'four' => 'si', 'five' => 'wu'],
    ['one' => 'één', 'two' => 'twee', 'three' => 'drie', 'five' => 'vijf']

    ->toArray(); // ['tres', 'san', 'drie']

$rows = [
    ['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => 'tres', 'four' => 'cuatro', 'five' => 'cinco'],
    ['one' => 'yi', 'two' => 'er', 'three' => 'san', 'four' => 'si', 'five' => 'wu'],
    ['one' => 'één', 'two' => 'twee', 'three' => 'drie', 'five' => 'vijf']

    ->column('three', 'two')
    ->toArray(); // ['dos' => 'tres', 'er' => 'san', 'twee' -=> 'drie']

$rows = [
    ['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => 'tres', 'four' => 'cuatro', 'five' => 'cinco'],
    ['one' => 'yi', 'two' => 'er', 'three' => 'san', 'four' => 'si', 'five' => 'wu'],
    ['one' => 'één', 'two' => 'twee', 'three' => 'drie', 'five' => 'vijf']

    ->project(['I' => 'one', 'II' => 'two', 'II' => 'three', 'IV' => 'four'])

// [
//   ['I' => 'uno', 'II' => 'dos', 'III' => 'tres', 'IV' => 'cuatro'],
//   ['I' => 'yi', 'II' => 'er', 'III' => 'san', 'IV' => 'si'],
//   ['I' => 'één', 'II' => 'twee', 'III' => 'drie', 'IV' => null]
// ]

$rows = [
    ['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => 'tres', 'four' => 'cuatro', 'five' => 'cinco'],
    ['three' => 'san', 'two' => 'er', 'five' => 'wu', 'four' => 'si'],
    ['two' => 'twee', 'four' => 'vier']

    ->reshape(['one' => true, 'two' => false, 'three' => 'III', 'four' => 0])

// [
//     ['one' => 'uno', 'five' => 'cinco', 'III' => 'tres', 0 => 'cuatro'],
//     ['five' => 'wu', 'III' => 'san', 0 => 'si'],
//     [0 => 'vier']
// ];

Pipeline::with(['I' => 'one', 'II' => 'two', 'III' => 'three', 'IV' => 'four'])
    ->toArray(); // ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']

Pipeline::with(['I' => 'one', 'II' => 'two', 'III' => 'three', 'IV' => 'four'])
    ->toArray(); // ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']

Pipeline::with(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'])
    ->setKeys(['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV'])
    ->toArray(); // ['I' => 'one', 'II' => 'two', 'III' => 'three', 'IV' => 'four']

Pipeline::with(['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => 'tres', 'four' => 'cuatro'])
    ->toArray(); // ['uno' => 'one', 'dos' => 'two', 'tres' => 'three', 'cuatro' => 'four']

Pipeline::with([3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 3, 6, 5])
    ->filter(function(int $i): bool {
        return $i % 2 === 0; // is even
    ->toArray(); // [1 => 2, 2 => 2, 6 => 6]

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange'])
    ->filter(function(string $value, string $key): bool {
        return $key[0] === 'a';
    ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green', 'apricot' => 'orange']

Pipeline::with(['one', 'two', null, 'four', null])

// [0 => 'one', 1 => 'two', 3 => 'four']

Pipeline::with(['foo', 'bar', 'qux', 'foo', 'zoo'])
    ->toArray(); // [0 => 'foo', 1 => 'bar', 2 => qux, 4 => 'zoo']

$persons = [
    new Person("Max", 18),
    new Person("Peter", 23),
    new Person("Pamela", 23)

    ->unique(function(Person $value): int {
        return $value->age;

// [0 => Person {'name' => "Max", 'age' => 18}, 1 => Person {'name' => "Peter", 'age' => 23}]

    ->unique(function(Person $value): int {
        return hash('sha256', serialize($value));

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange'])
    ->unique(function(string $value, string $key): string {
        return $key[0];
    ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red']

$someGenerator = function($max) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
        $key = substr(md5((string)$i), 0, 1); // char [0-9a-f]
        yield $key => $i;


// ['c' => 0, 'e' => 3, 'a' => 4, 1 => 6, 8 => 7, 4 => 9, 'd' => 10, 6 => 11 9 => 15 7 => 17,
//     3 => 21, 'b' => 22, 0 => 27, 'f' => 44, 2 => 51, 5 => 91]

Pipeline::with([3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 3, 6, 5])
    ->toArray(); // [3, 2, 2]

Pipeline::with([3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 3, 6, 5])
    ->toArray(); // [3, 7, 3, 6, 5]

Pipeline::with([3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 3, 6, 5])
    ->slice(3, 2)
    ->toArray(); // [3, 7]

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange'])
    ->before(function($value, $key) {
        return $value === 'red';
    ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green']

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange'])
    ->before(function($value, $key) {
        return $key === 'berry';
    ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green']

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange'])
    ->before(function($value) {
        return $value === 'red';
    ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red']

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange'])
    ->before(function($value, $key) {
        return $value === 'red';
    ->toArray(); // ['cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange'])
    ->before(function($value, $key) {
        return $key === 'berry';
    ->toArray(); // ['cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']

Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange'])
    ->before(function($value) {
        return $value === 'red';
    ->toArray(); // ['berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']

Pipeline::with(["Charlie", "Echo", "Bravo", "Delta", "Foxtrot", "Alpha"])
    ->toArray(); // ["Alpha", "Beta", "Charlie", "Delta", "Echo", "Foxtrot"]

Pipeline::with(["Charlie", "Echo", "Bravo", "Delta", "Foxtrot", "Alpha"])
    ->sort(function($a, $b): int {
        return strlen($a) <=> strlen($b) ?: $a <=> $b;
    ->toArray(); // ["Echo", "Alpha", "Bravo", "Delta", "Charlie", "Foxtrot"]

Pipeline::with(["Charlie" => "three", "Bravo" => "two", "Delta" => "four", "Alpha" => "one"])
// ["Alpha" => "one", "Bravo" => "two", "Charlie" => "three", "Delta" => "four"]

Pipeline::with(["Charlie" => "three", "Bravo" => "two", "Delta" => "four", "Alpha" => "one"])
    ->sortKeys(function($a, $b): int {
        return strlen($a) <=> strlen($b) ?: $a <=> $b;
// ["Alpha" => "one", "Bravo" => "two", "Delta" => "four", "Charlie" => "three"]

Pipeline::with(range(5, 10))
    ->toArray(); // [5 => 10, 4 => 9, 3 => 8, 2 => 7, 1 => 6, 0 => 5]

    ->typeCheck(['int', 'float'])

    ->expectType('int', new \UnexpectedValue('Element %2$s should be an integer, %1$s given'))

Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"])
    ->first(); // "one"

Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"])
    ->last(); // "three"

Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"])
    ->find(function(string $value): bool {
        return substr($value, 0, 1) === 't';
    }); // "two"

Pipeline::with(["one" => "uno", "two" => "dos", "three" => "tres"])
    ->find(function(string $value, string $key): bool {
        return substr($key, 0, 1) === 't';
    }); // "dos"

Pipeline::with(["I" => "one", "II" => "two", "III" => "three"])
    ->find(function(string $value): bool {
        return substr($value, 0, 1) === 't';
    }); // "II"

Pipeline::with(["one" => "uno", "two" => "dos", "three" => "tres"])
    ->find(function(string $value, string $key): bool {
        return substr($key, 0, 1) === 't';
    }); // "two"

Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"])
    ->hasAny(function(string $value): bool {
        return substr($value, 0, 1) === 't';
    }); // true

Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"])
    ->hasAny(function(string $value): bool {
        return substr($value, 0, 1) === 't';
    }); // false

Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"])
    ->hasNone(function(string $value): bool {
        return substr($value, 0, 1) === 't';
    }); // false

Pipeline::with([99.7, 24, -7.2, -337, 122.0]))
    ->min(); // -337

Pipeline::with([99.7, 24, -7.2, -337, 122.0])
    ->min(function($a, $b) {
        return abs($a) <=> abs($b);
    }); // -7.2

Pipeline::with([99.7, 24, -7.2, -337, 122.0]))
    ->max(); // 122.0

Pipeline::with([99.7, 24, -7.2, -337, 122.0])
    ->max(function($a, $b) {
        return abs($a) <=> abs($b);
    }); // -337

Pipeline::with([2, 8, 4, 12]))
    ->count(); // 4

Pipeline::with([2, 3, 4])
    ->reduce(function(int $product, int $value): int {
        return $product * $value;
    }, 1); // 24

Pipeline::with(['I' => 'one, 'II' => 'two', 'III' => 'three'])
    ->reduce(function(string $list, string $value, string $key): string {
        return $list . sprintf("{%s:%s}", $key, $value);
    }, ''); // "{I:one}{II:two}{III:three}"

Pipeline::with([2, 8, 4, 12])
    ->sum(); // 26

Pipeline::with([2, 8, 4, 12]))
    ->average(); // 6.5

Pipeline::with(["hello", "sweet", "world"])
    ->concat(" - "); // "hello - sweet - world"

$blueprint = Pipeline::build()
// Later
$pipeline = $blueprint
    ->unstub('process', i\iterable_map, i\function_partial(i\string_convert_case, ___, i\STRING_UPPERCASE)));

use Improved as i;

class UpperIterator extends IteratorIterator
    public function current()
        return i\string_case_convert(parent::current(), i\STRING_UPPERCASE);

class NoSpaceIterator extends IteratorIterator
    public function current()
        return i\string_replace(parent::current(), " ", "");

$data = get_some_data();
$iterator = new NoSpaceIterator(new UpperIterator(new ArrayIterator($data)));

foreach ($iterator as $cleanValue) {
    echo $cleanValue;

foreach ($data as $value) {
    $upperValue = i\string_case_convert($value, i\STRING_UPPERCASE);
    $cleanValue = i\string_replace($upper, " ", "");
    echo $cleanValue;

$upperData = array_map(function($value) {
    return i\string_case_convert($value, i\STRING_UPPERCASE);
}, $data);

$cleanData = array_map(function($value) {
    return i\string_replace($value, i\STRING_UPPERCASE);
}, $upperData);

foreach ($cleanData as $cleanValue) {
    echo $cleanValue;

$upperData = [];
$cleanData = [];

foreach ($data as $value) {
    $upperData[] = i\string_case_convert($value, i\STRING_UPPERCASE);

foreach ($upperData as $upperValue) {
    $cleanData[] = i\string_replace($upperValue, i\STRING_UPPERCASE);

foreach ($cleanData as $cleanValue) {
    echo $cleanValue;

function iterable_first_word(iterable $values): Generator
    foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
        $word = i\string_before($value, " ");
        yield $key => $word;

function get_values(iterable $values)
    if (is_array($values)) {
        return array_values($values);

    foreach ($values as $value) {
        yield $value;

function iterable_first_word(iterable $values): Generator

    foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
        yield $key => i\string_before($value, " ");

$words = iterable_first_word($values);

// Nothing is outputted yet

foreach ($words as $word) { // Now we get the var_dump() as the function is executed till yield 
    // ...

function numbers_to($count) {
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
        yield $i;

$oneToTen = numbers_to(10);

foreach ($oneToTen as $number) {
    echo $number;

// The following loop will cause an error to be thrown.

foreach ($oneToTen as $number) {