1. Go to this page and download the library: Download impressiveweb/yandex-disk library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
impressiveweb / yandex-disk example snippets
use ImpressiveWeb\YandexDisk\Client;
// Access token.
$accessToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
// Client init with an access token and default path prefix to a whole disk:/.
$client = new Client($accessToken);
// Auth credentials.
$credentials = [
'client_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'client_secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
// Client init with credentials and access to the whole disk.
// Default value for path prefix is set to disk:/.
$client = new Client($credentials);
// If you create you first APP, use path of your APP.
$pathPrefix = 'disk:/Applications/YourApp'
// Client init with credentials and access to your Application.
$client = new Client($credentials, $pathPrefix);
// Create and proceed an auth url to get a code.
$authUrl = $client->getAuthUrl([
'redirect_uri' => 'https://your-domain-app'
// ...other options
// After redirecting to your project domain use code from a query.
// https://your-app?code=xxxxxx
// Code that is taken from a query.
$code = 'xxxxxx'
// Make a request to get an access and a refresh token.
$reply = $client->authCodeAndGetToken($code);
// Reply data.
array:4 [▼
"access_token" => "xx_xxxXXxxxAAAABWGbHaAAqjUwAAAADvXc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"expires_in" => 25137530
"refresh_token" => "1:xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
"token_type" => "bearer"
// If reply has been successful you've got both tokens.
$accessToken = $reply['access_token'];
// Save a refresh token somewhere in a secret place.
$refreshToken = $reply['refresh_token'];
// Refresh token should be set to make sure an automatic access token update.
// Get a disk meta information.
$reply = $client->discInfo();
// Reply data.
array:11 [▼
"max_file_size" => 1073741824
"paid_max_file_size" => 53687091200
"total_space" => 10737418240
"reg_time" => "2021-06-29T10:20:40+00:00"
"trash_size" => 165164170
"is_paid" => false
"used_space" => 3342277118
"system_folders" => array:15 [▶]
"user" => array:6 [▶]
"unlimited_autoupload_enabled" => false
"revision" => 1711829122396623
// Get a disk meta information with a list of attributes to be returned.
$reply = $client->discInfo(['max_file_size', 'paid_max_file_size', 'total_space']);
// Reply data.
array:3 [▼
"max_file_size" => 1073741824
"paid_max_file_size" => 53687091200
"total_space" => 10737418240
// If a path is not set a path prefix will be used as a root directory.
$reply = $client->listContent();
// Reply data.
array:10 [▼
"_embedded" => array:6 [▶]
"name" => "disk"
"exif" => []
"resource_id" => "1444524506:144a2c7976ad2f6f60317baa505447af1dee1fbb4a13f4dccab8bb252846d6ee"
"created" => "2012-04-04T20:00:00+00:00"
"modified" => "2012-04-04T20:00:00+00:00"
"path" => "disk:/"
"comment_ids" => []
"type" => "dir"
"revision" => 1624962040946659
// There is a default limit for 20 items per one request when you read catalogues.
// You can increase a default amount of items on a Client initialization step.
$client = new Client(itemsLimit: 100);
// Since php 8.0 you can use named arguments and skip a lot of default arguments.
// Get a list of items for a root directory using selected fields.
$reply = $client->listContent(fields: ['_embedded.items.path']);
// Reply data.
array:1 [▼
"_embedded" => array:1 [▼
"items" => array:2 [▼
0 => array:1 [▼
"path" => "disk:/Applications"
1 => array:1 [▼
"path" => "disk:/Downloads"
// Other items.
// Get a list of items by a path with 200 items limit.
$limit = 200;
$path = 'path/to/resource';
// Returns 100 items using a specified path.
$client->listContent($path, limit: $limit);
// Returns 100 items that are sorted by size using a specified path.
$client->listContent($path, limit: $limit, sort: 'size');
// Returns items using a specified path recursively.
// Amount of all items in this case depends on subdirectories you have in a path.
$client->listContent($path, limit: $limit, deep: true);
$path = 'path/to/created/dir';
$from = 'from/path';
$to = 'to/path';
// Add a new folder.
// Copy a file or a folder.
$client->copy($from, $to);
// Move a file or a folder to a different location.
$client->move($from, $to);
// Delete a folder or a file at a given path.
// 1. Get a download url.
$path = 'path/to/existing/resource/on/disk';
$reply = $client->getDownloadUrl($path, ['href']);
// Reply data.
array:1 [▼
"href" => "https://downloader.disk.yandex.ru/disk/8caa900296bd8b8daa64b36c870d9[...]"
// 2. Depends on an application
// 1. Get an upload url.
$path = 'path/to/where/resource/will/be/placed/on/disk';
$reply = $client->getUploadUrl($path);
// Reply data.
array:4 [▼
"operation_id" => "d97f66b1638b1438825ed6d5a5433eb15f95bd5298[...]"
"href" => "https://uploader54j.disk.yandex.net:443/upload-target/20240403T140247[...]"
"method" => "PUT"
"templated" => false
// If href in reply data will not be requested for 30 minutes it won't be available for uploading, and you need to create another one.
// 2. Use href however you want.
// 3. Or use an upload method to upload file using getStream helper.
$name = 'picture.jpg';
$fromPath = __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name;
$toPath = "path/on/disk/$name";
// Open a stream.
$stream = $client->getStream($fromPath, 'r+');
// Upload file.
$client->upload($toPath, $stream);
$path = 'path/to/trash/resource';
// Listing a trash content.
// Listing a trash content in a specified path.
// Restore a specified resource from a trash.
// Remove a resource from a basket.
// Clear the whole trash.
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