1. Go to this page and download the library: Download imos/domainredirector library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
imos / domainredirector example snippets
use Imos\DomainRedirector\DomainRedirector;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
// create object
$domainRedirector = new DomainRedirector();
// add primary domain and the corresponding secondary domains
$domainRedirector->addPrimaryDomain('www.imos.net', true); // second argument = ssl
$domainRedirector->addSecondaryDomain('www.imosnet.de', 'www.imos.net'); // www.imosnet.de should redirect to www.imos.net
$domainRedirector->addSecondaryDomain('www.anotherdomain.de', 'www.imos.net'); // ...
// if we have another primary domain, we could add it here
$domainRedirector->addSecondaryDomain('www.foobar.de', 'www.another-domain.de');
// we can even add a fallback, for requests that does not match any domain
// pass a symfony request object to $domainRedirector. For example we fake some requests:
$request = Request::create('/de/test.html?x=y', 'GET', [], [], [], ['HTTP_HOST' => 'www.imosnet.de']);
$redirectUrl = $domainRedirector->getRedirect($request); // https://www.imos.net/de/test.html?x=y
$request = Request::create('/de/test.html?x=y', 'GET', [], [], [], ['HTTP_HOST' => 'www.imos.net', 'HTTPS' => 'ON']);
$redirectUrl = $domainRedirector->getRedirect($request); // false (everything is fine, we dont need any redirect)
$request = Request::create('/de/test.html?x=y', 'GET', [], [], [], ['HTTP_HOST' => 'www.foobar.de']);
$redirectUrl = $domainRedirector->getRedirect($request); // http://www.another-domain.de/de/test.html?x=y
// fallback example
$request = Request::create('/de/test.html?x=y', 'GET', [], [], [], ['HTTP_HOST' => 'www.xyz.de']);
$redirectUrl = $domainRedirector->getRedirect($request); // https://www.imos.net/de/test.html?x=y
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