PHP code example of immusen / yii2-swoole-websocket

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download immusen/yii2-swoole-websocket library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


immusen / yii2-swoole-websocket example snippets

php composer.phar 

vim ./websocket/config/params.php

namespace websocket\controllers;

use immusen\websocket\src\Controller;

class FooController extends Controller
     public function actionBar($param_1, $param_2 = 0, $param_n = null)
          # add current fd into a group/set, make $param_1 or anyother string as the group/set key
          $this->joinGroup($this->fd, $param_1);
          # reply message to current client by websocket
          $this->publish($this->fd, ['p1' => $param_1, 'p2' => $param_2]);
          # get all fds stored in the group/set
          $fds_array = $this->groupMembers($param_1);
          # reply message to a group
          $this->publish($fds_array, ['p1' => $param_1, 'p2' => $param_2]);
          $this->sendToGroup(['p1' => $param_1, 'p2' => $param_2], $param_1);
          # operate redis via redis pool
          $this->redis->set($param_1, 0)
