PHP code example of iml885203 / laravel5-tinx

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download iml885203/laravel5-tinx library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


iml885203 / laravel5-tinx example snippets

// 'config/app.php'

return [
    // etc…
    'providers' => [
        // etc…
        // etc…
    // etc…

// 'config/tinx.php'

return [

     * Base paths to search for models (paths ending in '*' search recursively).
     * */
    'model_paths' => [
        // '/also/search/this/directory',
        // '/also/search/this/directory/recursively/*',

     * Only define these models (all other models will be ignored).
     * */
    'only' => [
        // 'App\OnlyThisModel',
        // 'App\AlsoOnlyThisModel',

     * Ignore these models.
     * */
    'except' => [
        // 'App\IgnoreThisModel',
        // 'App\AlsoIgnoreThisModel',

     * Model shortcut naming strategy (e.g. 'App\User' = '$u', '$u_', 'u()').
     * Supported values: 'pascal', 'shortestUnique'
     * */
    'strategy' => 'pascal',
     * Alternatively, you may pass a resolvable fully qualified class name
     * implementing 'iml885203\Laravel5Tinx\Naming\Strategy'.
     * */
    // 'strategy' => App\CustomNamingStrategy::class,

     * Column name (e.g. 'id', 'created_at') used to determine last model shortcut (i.e. '$u_').
     * */
    'latest_column' => 'created_at',

     * If true, models without database tables will also have shortcuts defined.
     * */
    'tableless_models' => false,

     * Include these file(s) before starting tinker.
     * */

php artisan tinx

names(['car', 'user'])

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="iml885203\Laravel5Tinx\TinxServiceProvider" --tag="config"