PHP code example of imanghafoori / laravel-temp-tag

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download imanghafoori/laravel-temp-tag library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


imanghafoori / laravel-temp-tag example snippets

  $user = User::find(1);
  $tomorrow = Carbon::now()->addDay();
  $note = ['reason' => 'You were nasty!']; // You can optionally store additional data in a json column.

  tempTags($user)->tagIt('banned', $tomorrow, $note);

  tempTags($user)->tagIt('banned');  // will never expire

  $user = User::find(1);
  $tagObj = tempTags($user)->getActiveTag('banned');  // <--- Uses cache behind the scenes
  if (! is_null($tagObj)) {
    $tagObj->isActive();         // true
    $tagObj->isPermanent();      // false
    $tagObj->title === 'banned'; // true
    $tagObj->payload;            // ['reason' => 'You were nasty!']
    $tagObj->expiresAt();        // Carbon instance

  $user = User::find(1);
  $tagObj = tempTags($user)->getTag('banned');  // <--- fetches the tag regardless of its expire date.
  if (! is_null($tagObj)) {
    $tagObj->isActive();         // false
    $tagObj->isPermanent();      // false
    $tagObj->title === 'banned'; // true
    $tagObj->expiresAt();        // Carbon instance

  $tagObj->getPayload('reason');       //  'You were nasty!'      
  $tagObj->getPayload();               //  ['reason' => 'You were nasty!'] 
  $tagObj->getPayload('missing_key');  //  null

  $tagObj->reason;       //  'You were nasty!'      
  $tagObj->payload;      //  ['reason' => 'You were nasty!'] 
  $tagObj->missing_key;  //  null

  $user = User::find(1);
  tempTags($user)->unTag('banned');           // single string

  tempTags($user)->unTag('bann*');            // using a wildcard 

  tempTags($user)->unTag(['banned', 'man']);  // an array of tags to delete

  tempTags($user)->deleteExpiredTags();       // all the expired tags, bye bye.

 tempTags($user)->expireNow('banned');  // updates the value of expire_at to now() and deletes from cache

  $actives = tempTags($user)->getAllActiveTags();  // A collect of "TempTag" model objects.

  $expired = tempTags($user)->getAllExpiredTags();

  $all = tempTags($user)->getAllTags();

class Product extends Model 
  use hasTempTags;


// Only if the tag of model is expired and it has the specified title.

// To fetch regardless of expiration date of tags, only the title matters.

Product::hasActiveTagsAt('slider', now()->addDay())->where(...)->get();

Product::hasNotActiveTagsAt('slider', now()->addDay())->where(...)->get();

    ->hasNotActiveTagsAt('VIP', now()->addDay())




$articles = Article::hasNotActiveTags('hidden')->where(...)->get();

$product1 = Product::find(1);
$product2 = Product::find(1);

tempTags($product1)->tagIt('status', $tomorrow, ['value' => 'sold_out']);
tempTags($product2)->tagIt('status', $tomorrow, ['value' => 'sold_out']);

// now we have tagged these two rows we can fetch them later on with the below query


Product::hasActiveTags('status', ['value' => 'sold_out'])->where(...)->get();

Product::hasActiveTags('stat*', ['value' => 'sold_out'])->where(...)->get();

Post::where('user_id', 12)->where(function ($q) {
    $q->hasActiveTags('status', ['value' => 'active'])
    ->orHasActiveTags('status', ['value' => 'promoted']);

// app/Console/Kernel.php

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    // Will run:  php artisan  tag:delete-expired
    $schedule->command( 'tag:delete-expired' )->everyDay();
php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan migrate