PHP code example of imageoptim / imageoptim

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download imageoptim/imageoptim library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


imageoptim / imageoptim example snippets

 = new ImageOptim\API("🔶your api username goes here🔶");

$imageData = $api->imageFromURL('') // read this image
    ->resize(160, 100, 'crop') // optional: resize to a thumbnail
    ->dpr(2) // optional: double number of pixels for high-resolution "Retina" displays
    ->getBytes(); // perform these operations and return the image data as binary string

file_put_contents("images/photo_optimized.jpg", $imageData);

// This line is be found, try changing the path
// and or run `composer update` in your project's directory
ary object used to store
// settings of the optimization.
$imageParams = $api->imageFromURL('');

// You set various settings on this object (or none to get the defaults).

// Next, to start the optimizations and get the optimized image, call:
$imageData = $imageParams->getBytes();

 the getBytes() call may take a while to run, so it's intended to be
 called only once per image (e.g. only when a new image is uploaded
 to your server). If you'd like to "lazily" optimize arbitrary images
 on-the-fly when  they're requested, there is a better API for that:

// Save the image data somewhere on the server, e.g.
file_put_contents("images/photo_optimized.jpg", $imageData);

// Note that this script only prepares a static image file
// (in this example in images/photo_optimized.jpg),
// and does not serve it to the browser. Once the optimized
// image is saved to disk you should serve it normally
// as you'd do with any regular image file.