PHP code example of illogical / lava

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download illogical/lava library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


illogical / lava example snippets

use Lava\App;

$al = new Lava\Autoloader;

    'charset' => 'utf-8',             // encoding for HTTP headers
    'type'    => 'html',              // default type
    'home'    => '/path-to-home',     // home folder
    'pub'     => '/pub-uri',          // public folder
    'safe'    => [
        // default values
        'algo' => 'md5',              // hashing algorithm
        'sign' => '',                 // signature
        'salt' => '0123456789abcdef', // salt character set
    'storage' => [
        // default storage, named "0"
            'driver'   => 'PDO',
            'dsn'      => 'mysql:.../mysqld.sock;dbname=test;',
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' =>  NULL,
        'db2' => [...],

echo App::conf()->charset; # utf-8

echo       App::env()->method;    # GET
var_export(App::env()->accept()); # array (0 => 'text/html', 1 => '*/*')

// URL:

echo       App::args()->foo;    # 5
var_export(App::args()->foo()); # array (0 => '3', 1 => '5')

// setting
App::cookie()->foo = 'bar';
App::cookie()->bar = [1, 2, 3];

// read
echo       App::cookie()->foo;    # bar
var_export(App::cookie()->bar()); # array (0 => '1', 1 => '2', 2 => '3')

// additional parameters: expire, path, domain, secure
App::cookie()->foo('bar', '1M');  // expire = 1 month

echo App::host();      # host
echo App::host(TRUE);  # http://host
echo App::host('ftp'); # ftp://host

echo App::home();             # /path-to-home
echo App::home('foo', 'bar'); # /path-to-home/foo/bar

echo App::pub();             # /pub-uri
echo App::pub('foo', 'bar'); # /pub-uri/foo/bar

// URL:

echo App::uri();                        # /sandbox/
echo App::uri('foo', ['bar' => 123]);   # /sandbox/foo?bar=123
echo App::uri('/foo', 'bar=123', TRUE); # /foo?zzz=456&bar=123

// URL:

echo App::url();                        #
echo App::url('foo', ['bar' => 123]);   #
echo App::url('/foo', 'bar=123', TRUE); #

// URL:
App ::route('/:node1/#node2/*node3')
    ->to   (function($node1, $node2, $node3) { // handler
        echo $node1;                           #
        echo $node2;                           #  foo2
        echo $node3;                           #
// route search

// environment constraint
App::route('/foo', [
    'method'     => ['GET', 'HEAD'], // if the method is GET or HEAD
    'user_addr'  => '',     // and the user is local
    'user_agent' => '/^Mozilla/',    // and the browser is Mozilla

// method restriction only
App::route('/foo', 'DELETE');

App::route_get ('/foo');
// analog
App::route     ('/foo', 'GET');



App ::route('/foo')
    ->cond (['user_addr' => '/^192\.168\./']);

// URL:
App ::route('/foo/#id')
    ->name ('route_name')
    ->to   (function($id) {
        echo App::uri('route_name', ['id' => $id + 1]); #  /foo/124

// function
App::route('/foo')->to(function() {echo 'hello';});

// class|namespace, method
App::route('/foo')->to('Controller\Foo', 'bar');

// file, method
// the class name must match the file name
// an instance of the Foo class will be created and the bar method will be called
App::route('/foo')->to('controller/Foo.php', 'bar');

// file, class|namespace, method
App::route('/foo')->to('controller/Foo.php', 'Ctrl\Foo', 'bar');
// if the class is different from the file name or if we need to specify a namespace

App::route('/page')->to(function() {
        'html' => 'HTML CONTENT',
        'json' => ['bar' => 123],
        function () {
            echo 'OTHER TYPE: ' . App::type();

// URL:
App::routes_match(); # HTML CONTENT

// URL:
App::routes_match(); # {"bar":123}

// URL:
App::routes_match(); # OTHER TYPE: xml

// if Lava\App::conf()->type == 'html'
// URL:
App::routes_match(); # HTML CONTENT


echo App::safe()->uuid(); # 055fb982653fef1ae76bde78b10f7221

list($signed, $uuid) = App::safe()->uuid_signed();

echo $signed; # 31bd185d9b3929eb56ae6e4712b73962dcd6b2b55b5287117b9d65380f4146e3
echo $uuid;   # 31bd185d9b3929eb56ae6e4712b73962

echo App::safe()->check($signed); # 31bd185d9b3929eb56ae6e4712b73962

echo App::safe()->salt(16); # f8da4f571ec3de9d

// the string is between 1 and 20 characters and matches Email
echo App::is_valid('[email protected]', ['string:1:20', 'email']); # TRUE

$storage = Lava\Storage::source('PDO', [
    'dsn'      => 'mysql:unix_socket=...mysqld.sock;dbname=name',
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => '',

$storage->exec('DELETE FROM users');

    'INSERT INTO users (login, email) VALUES (?, ?)',
    ['username', 'abc@mail']

    'INSERT INTO users (login, email) VALUES (:login, :email)',
    ['login' => 'username', 'email' => 'abc@mail']

$user = $storage->fetch('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?', 123);

$users = $storage->fetch_all('SELECT * FROM users');

$id = $storage->last_insert_id();

$error = $storage->error();

// index data with id value
$data = $storage->factory('users')->get('id');
# query: SELECT * FROM `users`

$data = $storage->factory('users')->one();
# query: SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT ?
# bind:  1

$data = $storage
    // columns(expression)
    // columns([alias => expression, ...])
    ->columns(['full_name' => 'CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name)'])
# query: SELECT `id`, CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name) AS `full_name` FROM `users`

$data = $storage
    ->join('profiles', 'id')
    ->left_join('sessions', 'sessions.user_id =')
    ->right_join('roles', ['roles.user_id' => '', '' => '?'], 123)
# query: SELECT * FROM `users`
#        JOIN `profiles` USING (`id`)
#        LEFT JOIN `sessions` ON sessions.user_id =
#        RIGHT JOIN `roles` ON `roles`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` AND `roles`.`id` = ?
# bind:  123

$data = $storage
    // filter(key, val)
    ->filter_eq('id', 123)
    // filter(expression)
    ->filter_ne(['name' => 'guest', 'email' => 'test'])
# query: SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`id` = ? AND (`name` != ? AND `email` != ?))
# bind:  123, 'guest', 'test'

$data = $storage
    ->filter_or(['name' => 'guest', 'email' => 'test'])
# query: SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`name` = ? OR `email` = ?)
# bind:  'guest', 'test'

$data = $storage
    ->filter_or(function($filter) {
        // in a closure without the filter_ prefix
        $filter ->like('name', '%test%')
                ->and(function($filter) {
                    $filter->gt('id', 10)->lte('id', 20);
# query: SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`name` LIKE ? OR (`id` > ? AND `id` <= ?) OR `email` IS NOT ?
# bind:  '%test%', 10, 20, NULL

$data = $storage
    ->filter_not(function($filter) {
        $filter ->or(['name' => 'guest', 'email' => 'test'])
                ->in('role_id', [2, 4, 6]);
# query: SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE NOT ((`name` = ? OR `email` = ?) AND `role_id` IN (?, ?, ?))
# bind:  'guest', 'test', 2, 4, 6

// subqueries

$data = $storage
    ->filter_in('id', $storage->factory('sessions')->columns('user_id')->filter('active', 1))
# query: SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `user_id` FROM `sessions` WHERE `active` = ?)
# bind:  1

$data = $storage
    ->columns(['role_id', 'count' => 'COUNT(*)'])
# query: SELECT `role_id`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `users` GROUP BY `role_id`

$data = $storage
    ->columns(['role_id', 'count' => 'COUNT(*)'])
    ->having_or(function($having) {
        $having->gt('count', 2)->lte('count', 5);
# query: SELECT `role_id`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `users` GROUP BY `role_id` HAVING (`count` > ? OR `count` <= ?)
# bind:  2, 5

$data = $storage
# query: SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `name` ASC, `email` DESC

$data = $storage
# query: SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT ?
# bind:  10

$users   = $storage->factory('users');

    'login' => 'username',
    'email' => 'abc@mail',
# query: INSERT INTO `users` SET `login` = ?, `email` = ?
# bind:  'username', 'abc@mail'

$archive = $storage->factory('archive_users');

# query: INSERT INTO `users` SELECT * FROM `archive_users`

$users->columns(['login', 'email'])->add(
    $archive->columns(['username', 'email'])->filter_lt('id', 123)
# query: INSERT INTO `users` (`login`, `email`)
#        SELECT `username`, `email` FROM `archive_users` WHERE `id` < ?
# bind:  123

    ->add(['name' => 'access', 'count' => 1], ['count = count + 1']);
# query: INSERT INTO `log` SET `name` = ?, `count` = ?
#        ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count = count + 1
# bind:  'access', 1

$data = $storage
    ->filter('id', 123)
    ->set(['name' => 'bar']);
# query: UPDATE `users` SET `name` = ? WHERE `id` = ?
# bind:  'bar', 123

$data = $storage
    ->filter('id', 123)
# query: DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?
# bind:  123

$data = $storage
    ->filter_gt('id', 123)
# query: SELECT COUNT(`email`) AS `val` FROM `users` WHERE `id` > ?
# bind:  123

$data = $storage
    ->filter_like('email', '%@mail%')
# query: SELECT MIN(`id`) AS `val` FROM `users` WHERE `email` LIKE ?
# bind:  '%@mail%'

$data = $storage
    ->filter_in('role_id', [2, 3])
# query: SELECT MAX(`id`) AS `val` FROM `users` WHERE `role_id` IN (?, ?)
# bind:  2, 3

$data = $storage
# query: SELECT AVG(`id`) AS `val` FROM `users`

$data = $storage
# query: SELECT SUM(`id`) AS `val` FROM `users`

use Lava\Model\SQL;

class User extends SQL {

    // meta data
    protected static

        // optionally, storage name
        // name from Lava\App::conf()->storage()
        // default is "0"
        $storage = '0',

        // optionally, table name
        // defaults to a class name in snake case with an "s" at the end
        $table   = 'users',

        // optionally, the name of the primary key
        // defaults to "id"
        $id      = 'id',

        // columns description
        $columns = [
            'key' => [
                // value cannot be NULL
                'not_null' => FALSE|TRUE,
                // value is unique
                'unique'   => FALSE|TRUE,
                // default value
                'default'  => VALUE,
                // validation tests
                'valid'    => [tests],

        // optionally, default limit
        // if not specified at selection
        // unrestricted by default
        $limit   = 0;

$user = new User;

$user->name  = 'foo';
$user->email = '[email protected]';


// selecting one object by ID
$user  = User::one(123);

echo $user->name;

// selecting a collection by condition
$users = User::find(['active' => TRUE])->get();

foreach ($users as $user) {
    echo $user->name;

class Session extends SQL {

    // method name must start with the prefix "column_default_"
    public static function column_default_created () {
        return date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

$session = new Session;

echo $session->created; // now

class User extends SQL {

    public function sessions () {
        return $this

    // additional filters
    public function active_sessions () {
        return $this
            ->filter(['active' => TRUE]);

class Session extends SQL {

    public function user () {
        return $this->belongs_to(User::classname());

$user   = User::one(123);

// property returns a collection
foreach ($user->sessions as $session) {
    echo $session->id;

// method returns resultset
$active = $user ->sessions()
                ->filter(['active' => TRUE])

// similarly
$active = $user ->active_sessions;

class Session extends SQL {

    public static function import ($data) {

        if (isset($data['ip'])) {
            $data['ip'] = long2ip($data['ip']);

        return $data;

    public static function export ($data) {

        if (isset($data['ip'])) {
            $data['ip'] = ip2long($data['ip']);

        return $data;