PHP code example of ildaviz / filament-language-tab

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ildaviz/filament-language-tab library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ildaviz / filament-language-tab example snippets

namespace App\Models;

use Spatie\Translatable\HasTranslations;

class Posts extends Model

    use HasTranslations;

    public $translatable = [

use FilamentLanguageTab\Concerns\UseTranslatablePage;

class CreatePost ...
    use UseTranslatablePage;

use FilamentLanguageTab\Concerns\UseTranslatablePage;

class EditPost ...
    use UseTranslatablePage;

public function setTranslatableLocales(): array
    return [

public function setTranslatableAttributes(): array
    return [

use FilamentLanguageTab\Components\TabsTranslatable;
use FilamentLanguageTab\Facades\LanguageTab;

        // Use the "lang" props to have the language cycled
        // You can also use the other Filament closures.
        getLabelTab: function ($lang) {
            return 'Translations ' . $lang;
        // Use the "lang" props to have the language cycled
        // You can also use the other Filament closures.
        getFormTranslatableContent: function ($lang) {
            return [
                    Forms\Components\TextInput::make(LanguageTab::makeName('title', $lang))
                        ->label(__(LanguageTab::makeName('title', $lang)))
                        ->placeholder(__(LanguageTab::makeName('placeholder', $lang)))
                        ->  ->

->languages(['en', 'es', 'fr'])

    // Use the "lang" props to have the language cycled
    // You can also use the other Filament closures.
    getLabelTab: function (string $lang) {}
    // Use the "lang" props to have the language cycled
    // You can also use the other Filament closures.
    getFormTranslatableContent: function (string $lang) {}

LanguageTab::makeName('{name of field}', $lang)

LanguageTab::makeName('title', $lang)


// Use LanguageTab facade.

use FilamentLanguageTab\Facades\LanguageTab;

// Initialize the LanguageTab facade.
// For change locales (optional)
setTranslatableLocales(array $locales = [])
// Set the translatable attributes from the specific model.
getTranslatableAttributes(string $modelClass)
// Set the translatable attributes. (optional)
setTranslatableAttributes(array $translatableAttributes = [])
// Use before create event
beforeCreate(string $modelClass, array $data)
// Use before fill event
beforeFill(Model $model, array $data)
// Use before save event
beforeSave(Model $model, array $data)
// Get the locales from the configuration.
array getLocales()
// Make the name of the field for the form.
string makeName(string $name, string $locale)