1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ilab/b2-sdk-php library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
ilab / b2-sdk-php example snippets
use ILAB\B2\Client;
use ILAB\B2\Bucket;
$client = new Client('accountId', 'applicationKey');
// Returns a Bucket object.
$bucket = $client->createBucket([
'BucketName' => 'my-special-bucket',
'BucketType' => Bucket::TYPE_PRIVATE // or TYPE_PUBLIC
// Change the bucket to private. Also returns a Bucket object.
$updatedBucket = $client->updateBucket([
'BucketId' => $bucket->getId(),
'BucketType' => Bucket::TYPE_PUBLIC
// Retrieve an array of Bucket objects on your account.
$buckets = $client->listBuckets();
// Delete a bucket.
'BucketId' => '4c2b957661da9c825f465e1b'
// Upload a file to a bucket. Returns a File object.
$file = $client->upload([
'BucketName' => 'my-special-bucket',
'FileName' => 'path/to/upload/to',
'Body' => 'I am the file content'
// The file content can also be provided via a resource.
// 'Body' => fopen('/path/to/input', 'r')
// Download a file from a bucket. Returns the file content.
$fileContent = $client->download([
'FileId' => $file->getId()
// Can also identify the file via bucket and path:
// 'BucketName' => 'my-special-bucket',
// 'FileName' => 'path/to/file'
// Can also save directly to a location on disk. This will cause download() to not return file content.
// 'SaveAs' => '/path/to/save/location'
// Delete a file from a bucket. Returns true or false.
$fileDelete = $client->deleteFile([
'FileId' => $file->getId()
// Can also identify the file via bucket and path:
// 'BucketName' => 'my-special-bucket',
// 'FileName' => 'path/to/file'
// Retrieve an array of file objects from a bucket.
$fileList = $client->listFiles([
'BucketId' => '4d2dbbe08e1e983c5e6f0d12'
$ composer
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