PHP code example of iidestiny / dependency-injection

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download iidestiny/dependency-injection library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


iidestiny / dependency-injection example snippets

    // register class
    // Call a method in a class
    di_register(Tools::class)->generate($param, $param, $param)
    // more

namespace App\Services;

use App\Tools;
use App\User;
use Cache;
use Petstore30\Order;

class OrderService
     * place order
     * @param User  $user
     * @param       $goods
     * @param       $address
     * @param Cache $cache
     * @param Tools $tools
    public function placeOrder(User $user, $goods, $address, Cache $cache, Tools $tools)
        // code something

     * pay
     * @param Order $order
     * @param Cache $cache
     * @param Tools $tools
    public function pay(Order $order, Cache $cache, Tools $tools)
        // code something


     * store
    public function store()
        di_register(OrderService::class)->placeOrder($user, $goods, $address);

     * store
    public function store()
        $orderService = di_register(OrderService::class);
        $orderService->placeOrder($user, $goods, $address);