PHP code example of ignislabs / hotjot

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ignislabs/hotjot library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ignislabs / hotjot example snippets

$token = $factory->create($claims, $headers);



$signer = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Signer\HMAC\HS512('encryption key');

$privateKey = file_get_contents('/path/to/private.pem');
$publicKey = file_get_contents('/path/to/public.pem');

$signer = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Signer\RSA\RS512($privateKey, $publicKey, 'key passphrase (if any)');

$signer = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Signer\None;

$signer = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Signer\HMAC\HS512('encryption key');
$factory = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Factory($signer);

$token = $factory->create([
    'iss' => '',
    'aud' => '',
    'jti' => bin2hex(random_bytes(16)),
    'exp' => (new DateTime('+10 days'))->getTimestamp(),
    // etc...

$token->getHeader('alg'); // -> 'HS512'
$token->getClaim('iss'); // -> ''
$token->getClaim('exp'); // -> DateTime object

$newFactory = $factory->setSigner($anotherSigner);

$signer = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Signer\None;
$factory = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Factory($signer);

$token = $factory->create([
    'iss' => '',
    'aud' => '',
    'jti' => bin2hex(random_bytes(16)),
    'exp' => (new DateTime('+10 days'))->getTimestamp(),
    // etc...

$token->getClaim('alg'); // -> 'none'
$token->getSignature(); // -> null

$parser = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Parser;
$token = $parser->parse($encodedTokenString);

$signer = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Signer\RSA\RS512($privateKey, $publicKey, 'passphrase');
$signer->verify($token); // -> boolean — $token most likely obtained through the parser

use IgnisLabs\HotJot\Validators as 🕵;

$validator = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Validator(
    new 🕵\IssuedAtValidator, // fails if token used before `iat`
    new 🕵\NotBeforeValidator, // fails if token used before `nbf`
    new 🕵\ExpiresAtValidator // fails if token is used after `exp`


use IgnisLabs\HotJot\Validators as 🕵;

$validator = new \IgnisLabs\HotJot\Validator(
    new 🕵\IssuedAtValidator(true),
    new 🕵\NotBeforeValidator(true),
    new 🕵\ExpiresAtValidator(true)
