PHP code example of igivefirst / igf-sdk-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download igivefirst/igf-sdk-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


igivefirst / igf-sdk-php example snippets

rofit_campaign = '1e9a8366-1060-4b45-9874-95039ec217c6';
$publisher_campaign = 'b93babc1-9557-4271-a065-43b29f04c2fb';

$igf = new iGivefirst(API_KEY, API_SECRET);

// Create a new Donor
$donor = new DonorInfo();
$donor->setUser(time() . '');
$donor->bind(array('firstName'=>'John', 'lastName'=>'Doe', 'billingAddress1' => '123 Candy Lane', 'city' => 'Imaginary', 'state' => 'CA', 'country' => 'usa', 'zip' => '11111'));

$donor_data = $igf->donor->create($donor);

// Create a new Account for the Donor we just created
$account = new AccountInfo();
$account->setCreditCard('4111111111111111', '124', '02', '2023');
$account->setDonorInformation($donor_data['guid'], array('billingAddress1' => '123 Candy Lane', 'billingCity' => 'Imaginary', 'billingState' => 'CA', 'billingZip' => '11111'));

$account_data = $igf->account->create($account);

// Now create a donation. We've already picked out our nonprofit and publisher campaigns.
$donation = new DonationInfo();
$donation->setDonation('40.11', $nonprofit_campaign, $publisher_campaign, $account_data['guid'], $donor_data['guid']);

$donation_data = $igf->donation->create($donation);

// Finally, we can inspect the donation we just posted
$donation = $igf->donation->get($donation_data['guid']);