PHP code example of ifixit / matryoshka

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ifixit/matryoshka library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ifixit / matryoshka example snippets

$cache = new Matryoshka\APCu();
$cache->set('key', 'value');
$value = $cache->get('key');

$cache = new Matryoshka\Ephemeral();
$cache->set('key', 'value');
$value = $cache->get('key');

$cache = new Matryoshka\Enable($backend = (new Matryoshka\Ephemeral()));
$cache->getsEnable = false;
$cache->get('key'); // Always results in a miss.

$changeFunc = function($expiration) {
   // Double all expiration times.
   return $expiration * 2;
$cache = new Matryoshka\ExpirationChange($backend, $changeFunc);
$cache->set('key', 'value', 10); // Results in an expiration time of 20.

$cache = new Matryoshka\KeyFix(
   new Matryoshka\Ephemeral(),
   $maxLength = 50,
   $invalidChars = " \n"

// Gets converted to: `2552e62135d11e8d4233e2a51868132e`

// Gets converted to: `6c4421388643338490f9c2c895af4fec`
$cache->get("key with bad chars like spaces");

$cache = new Matryoshka\KeyShorten(
   new Matryoshka\Ephemeral(),
   $maxLength = 50

// Gets converted to: `long_key_that_need2552e62135d11e8d4233e2a51868132e`

$cache = new Matryoshka\Prefix(new Matryoshka\Ephemeral(), 'prefix-');
// The key ends up being "prefix-key".
$cache->set('key', 'value');
$value = $cache->get('key');

$cache = new Matryoshka\Stats(new Matryoshka\Ephemeral());
$cache->set('key', 'value');
$value = $cache->get('key');
// array(
//    'get_count' => 1,
//    'get_time' => 0.007,
//    'set_count' => 1
//    'set_time' => 0.008,
//    ...
// )

$cache = new Matryoshka\Hierarchy([
   new Matryoshka\Ephemeral(),
   Matryoshka\Memcached::create(new Memcached('localhost')),
   Matryoshka\Memcached::create(new Memcached($cacheServers)),

// This misses the first two caches (array and local memcached) but hits the
// final cache. The retrieved value is then set in the local memcache as well
// as the memory array so subsequent requests can be fulfilled faster.
$value = $cache->getAndSet('key', function() {
   return 'value';
}, 3600);
// This is retrieved from the memory array without going all the way to
// Memcached.
$value = $cache->getAndSet('key', function() {
   return 'value';
}, 3600);

$cache = new Matryoshka\Local(new Memcached());

$cache = new Matryoshka\Hierarchy([
   new Matryoshka\Ephemeral(),
   Matryoshka\Memcached::create(new Memcached('localhost'))

$cache = new Matryoshka\Scope(new Matryoshka\Ephemeral(), 'scope');
$cache->set('key', 'value');
$value = $cache->get('key'); // => 'value'
// This results in a miss because the scope has been deleted.
$value = $cache->get('key'); // => false

$scope1 = new Matryoshka\Scope($remoteMemcached, 'scope1');
$scope2 = new Matryoshka\Scope($remoteMemcached, 'scope2');
$multiScope = new Matryoshka\MultiScope($localMemcached, [
// Stores the value on the local memcached backend but scope it to
// scope1 and scope2 which are stored on the remote memcache instance.
$multiScope->set('key', 'value');
// This results in a miss because one of the scopes has been deleted.
$value = $multiScope->get('key');

$cache = new Matryoshka\Ephemeral();
// Calls the provided callback if the key is not found and sets it in the cache
// before returning the value to the caller.
$value = $cache->getAndSet('key', function() {
   return 'value';

$cache = new Matryoshka\Ephemeral();
$keys = [
   'key1' => 'id1',
   'key2' => 'id2'
// Calls the provided callback for any missed keys so the missing values can be
// generated and set before returning them to the caller. The values are
// returned in the same order as the provided keys.
$values = $cache->getAndSetMultiple($keys, function($missing) {
   // Use the id's to fill in the missing values.
   foreach ($missing as $key => $id) {
      if ($id == 'id1') {
         $value = 'value1';
      } else if ($id == 'id2') {
         $value = 'value2';

      $missing[$key] = $value;

   // Return the new values to be cached and merged with the hits.
   return $missing;