PHP code example of idanalyzer / id-analyzer-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download idanalyzer/id-analyzer-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


idanalyzer / id-analyzer-php-sdk example snippets

// use composer autoload
eAPI class
//alize Core API US Region with your credentials  
$coreapi = new CoreAPI("Your API Key", "US");  

// Enable authentication and use 'quick' module to check if ID is authentic
$coreapi->enableAuthentication(true, 'quick');

// Analyze ID image by passing URL of the ID image and a face photo (you may also use a local file)
$result = $coreapi->scan("","","");

// All information about this ID will be returned in an associative array
$data_result = $result['result'];   
$authentication_result = $result['authentication'];  
$face_result = $result['face'];  

// Print result
echo("Hello your name is {$data_result['firstName']} {$data_result['lastName']}<br>");

// Parse document authentication results  
    if($authentication_result['score'] > 0.5) {  
        echo("The document uploaded is authentic<br>");  
    }else if($authentication_result['score'] > 0.3){  
        echo("The document uploaded looks little bit suspicious<br>");  
        echo("The document uploaded is fake<br>");  
// Parse face verification results  
        // View complete error codes under API reference:
        echo("Face verification failed! Code: {$face_result['error']}, Reason: {$face_result['error_message']}<br>");
        if($face_result['isIdentical'] === true){
            echo("Great! Your photo looks identical to the photo on document<br>");
            echo("Oh no! Your photo looks different to the photo on document<br>");
        echo("Similarity score: {$face_result['confidence']}<br>");

$coreapi->enableVault(true,false,false,false);  // enable vault cloud storage to store document information and image
$coreapi->setBiometricThreshold(0.6); // make face verification more strict  
$coreapi->enableAuthentication(true, 'quick'); // check if document is real using 'quick' module  
$coreapi->enableBarcodeMode(false); // disable OCR and scan for AAMVA barcodes only  
$coreapi->enableImageOutput(true,true,"url"); // output cropped document and face region in URL format  
$coreapi->enableDualsideCheck(true); // check if data on front and back of ID matches  
$coreapi->setVaultData("[email protected]",12345,"AABBCC"); // store custom data into vault  
$coreapi->restrictCountry("US,CA,AU"); // accept documents from United States, Canada and Australia  
$coreapi->restrictState("CA,TX,WA"); // accept documents from california, texas and washington  
$coreapi->restrictType("DI"); // accept only driver license and identification card  
$coreapi->setOCRImageResize(0); // disable OCR resizing  
$coreapi->verifyExpiry(true); // check document expiry  
$coreapi->verifyAge("18-120"); // check if person is above 18  
$coreapi->verifyDOB("1990/01/01"); // check if person's birthday is 1990/01/01  
$coreapi->verifyDocumentNumber("X1234567"); // check if the person's ID number is X1234567  
$coreapi->verifyName("Elon Musk"); // check if the person is named Elon Musk  
$coreapi->verifyAddress("123 Sunny Rd, California"); // Check if address on ID matches with provided address  
$coreapi->verifyPostcode("90001"); // check if postcode on ID matches with provided postcode
$coreapi->enableAMLCheck(true); // enable AML/PEP compliance check
$coreapi->setAMLDatabase("global_politicians,eu_meps,eu_cors"); // limit AML check to only PEPs
$coreapi->enableAMLStrictMatch(true); // make AML matching more strict to prevent false positives
$coreapi->generateContract("Template ID", "PDF", array("email"=>"[email protected]")); // generate a PDF document autofilled with data from user ID 

$result = $coreapi->scan("path/to/id_front.jpg", "path/to/id_back.jpg");

$result = $coreapi->scan("path/to/id.jpg", "", "path/to/face.jpg");

$result = $coreapi->scan("path/to/id.jpg", "", "", "path/to/video.mp4", "1234");

// use composer autoload
uPass class
//ze DocuPass with your credential, company name and API region
$docupass = new DocuPass("API Key", "My Company Inc.", "US");  

// We need to set an identifier so that we know internally who we are verifying, this string will be returned in the callback. You can use your own user/customer id.  

// Enable vault cloud storage to store verification results, so we can look up the results  

// Set a callback URL where verification results will be sent, you can use docupass_callback.php in demo folder as a template  

// We want DocuPass to return document image and user face image in URL format so we can store them on our own server later.  
$docupass->setCallbackImage(true, true, 1);  

// We will do a quick check on whether user have uploaded a fake ID  
$docupass->enableAuthentication(true, "quick", 0.3);  

// Enable photo facial biometric verification with threshold of 0.5  
$docupass->enableFaceVerification(true, 1, 0.5);  

// Users will have only 1 attempt at verification  

// We want to redirect user back to your website when they are done with verification  
$docupass->setRedirectionURL("", "");

// Get user to review and sign legal document (such as rental contract) prefilled with ID data
$docupass->signContract("Template ID", "PDF"); 

// Create a session using DocuPass Standard Mobile module
$result = $docupass->createMobile();
    // Something went wrong  
    echo("Error Code: {$result['error']['code']}<br/>Error Message: {$result['error']['message']}");  
    echo("Scan the QR Code below to verify your identity: <br/>");  
    echo("<img src=\"{$result['qrcode']}\"><br/>");  
    echo("Or open your mobile browser and type in: ");  
    echo("<a href=\"{$result['url']}\">{$result['url']}</a>");  


$docupass->setReusable(true); // allow DocuPass URL/QR Code to be used by multiple users  
$docupass->setLanguage("en"); // override auto language detection  
$docupass->setQRCodeFormat("000000","FFFFFF",5,1); // generate a QR code using custom colors and size  
$docupass->setWelcomeMessage("We need to verify your driver license before you make a rental booking with our company."); // Display your own greeting message  
$docupass->setLogo(""); // change default logo to your own  
$docupass->hideBrandingLogo(true); // hide footer logo  
$docupass->restrictCountry("US,CA,AU"); // accept documents from United States, Canada and Australia  
$docupass->restrictState("CA,TX,WA"); // accept documents from california, texas and washington  
$docupass->restrictType("DI"); // accept only driver license and identification card  
$docupass->verifyExpiry(true); // check document expiry  
$docupass->verifyAge("18-120"); // check if person is above 18  
$docupass->verifyDOB("1990/01/01"); // check if person's birthday is 1990/01/01  
$docupass->verifyDocumentNumber("X1234567"); // check if the person's ID number is X1234567  
$docupass->verifyName("Elon Musk"); // check if the person is named Elon Musk  
$docupass->verifyAddress("123 Sunny Rd, California"); // Check if address on ID matches with provided address  
$docupass->verifyPostcode("90001"); // check if postcode on ID matches with provided postcode
$docupass->setCustomHTML(""); // use your own HTML/CSS for DocuPass page
$docupass->smsVerificationLink("+1333444555"); // Send verification link to user's mobile phone
$docupass->enablePhoneVerification(true); // get user to input their own phone number for verification
$docupass->verifyPhone("+1333444555"); // verify user's phone number you already have in your database
$docupass->enableAMLCheck(true); // enable AML/PEP compliance check
$docupass->setAMLDatabase("global_politicians,eu_meps,eu_cors"); // limit AML check to only PEPs
$docupass->enableAMLStrictMatch(true); // make AML matching more strict to prevent false positives
$docupass->generateContract("Template ID", "PDF", array("somevariable"=>"somevalue")); // automate paperwork by generating a document autofilled with ID data 
$docupass->signContract("Template ID", "PDF", array("somevariable"=>"somevalue")); // get user to sign a document as part of the identity verification process

// use composer autoload
uPass class
// // Get raw post body  
    $input_raw = file_get_contents('php://input');  

    // Parse JSON into associative array  
    $data = json_decode($input_raw, true);  

    // If we didn't get an array abort the script  
    if(!is_array($data)) die();  

    // Check if we've gotten ata['hash']);  
        $userID = $data['customid']; // This value should be "5678" matching the User ID in your database
        if($data['success'] === true){  
            // User has completed identity verification successfully, or has signed legal document

            // Get some information about your user
            $firstName = $data['data']['firstName'];
            $lastName = $data['data']['lastName'];
            $dob = $data['data']['dob'];

            // Additional steps to store identity data into your own database
            // User did not pass identity verification  
            $fail_code = $data['failcode'];
            $fail_reason = $data['failreason'];
            // Save failed reason so we can investigate further  
            file_put_contents("failed_verifications.txt", "$userID has failed identity verification, DocuPass Reference: {$data['reference']}, Fail Reason: {$fail_reason} Fail Code: {$fail_code}\n", FILE_APPEND);  
            // Additional steps to store why identity verification failed into your own database
        throw new Exception("Failed to validate DocuPass results against DocuPass server");
}catch(Exception $ex){  
    file_put_contents("docupass_exception.txt", $ex->getMessage()."\n", FILE_APPEND);  

$docupass = new DocuPass($apikey, "My Company Inc.", $api_region);

// Raise exceptions for API level errors

// We need to set an identifier so that we know internally who is signing the document, this string will be returned in the callback. You can use your own user/customer id.

// Enable vault cloud storage to store signed document

// Set a callback URL where signed document will be sent, you can use docupass_callback.php under this folder as a template to receive the result

// We want to redirect user back to your website when they are done with document signing, there will be no fail URL unlike identity verification
$docupass->setRedirectionURL("", "");

 * more settings
$docupass->setReusable(true); // allow DocuPass URL/QR Code to be used by multiple users
$docupass->setLanguage("en"); // override auto language detection
$docupass->setQRCodeFormat("000000","FFFFFF",5,1); // generate a QR code using custom colors and size
$docupass->hideBrandingLogo(true); // hide default branding footer
$docupass->setCustomHTML(""); // use your own HTML/CSS for DocuPass page
$docupass->smsContractLink("+1333444555"); // Send signing link to user's mobile phone

// Assuming in your contract template you have a dynamic field %{email} and you want to fill it with user email
$prefill = array(
  "email" => $_POST['email']

// Create a signature session
$result = $docupass->createSignature("Template ID", "PDF", $prefill);

if ($result['error']) {
    // Something went wrong
    die("Error Code: {$result['error']['code']}<br/>Error Message: {$result['error']['message']}");
} else {
    // Redirect browser to DocuPass URL, the URL will work on both Desktop and Mobile
    header("Location: " . $result['url']);

// use composer autoload
uPass class
//Vault API with your credentials  
$vault = new Vault("API Key", "US");  
// Get the vault entry using Vault Entry Identifier received from Core API/DocuPass 
$vaultdata = $vault->get("VAULT_ID");

$vaultItems = $vault->list(array("createtime>=2021/02/25"), "firstName","ASC", 5, 0);

$vaultItems = $vault->list(["docupass_reference=XXXXXXXXXXXXX"]);

// use composer autoload
uPass class
// AML API with your credentials
$aml = new AMLAPI($apikey, $api_region);

// Make API error raise exceptions for API level errors

// Set AML database to only search the PEP category

// Search for a politician
$result = $aml->searchByName("Joe Biden");

// Set AML database to all databases

// Search for a sanctioned ID number
$result = $aml->searchByIDNumber("AALH750218HBCLPC02");

}catch(\IDAnalyzer\APIException $ex){
    echo("Error Code: " . $ex->getCode() . ", Error Message: " . $ex->getMessage());
    // View complete list of error codes under API reference:
        case 1:
            // Invalid API Key
        case 8:
            // Out of API quota
        case 9:
            // Document not recognized
            // Other error
}catch(InvalidArgumentException $ex){
    echo("Argument Error! " . $ex->getMessage());
}catch(Exception $ex){
    echo("Unexpected Error! " . $ex->getMessage());