PHP code example of icybee / patron

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download icybee/patron library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


icybee / patron example snippets

use Patron\Engine;
use Patron\MarkupCollection;

$app->events->attach(function(MarkupCollection\AlterEvent $event, MarkupCollection $collection) {

	$collection['hello'] = [ function(array $args, Engine $engine, $template) {

		return "Hello {$args['name']}!";

	}, [ 'name' => "world" ] ];


use Patron\Engine;
use Patron\FunctionCollection;

$app->events->attach(function(FunctionCollection\AlterEvent $event, FunctionCollection $collection) {

	$collection['hello'] = function($name="world") {

		return "Hello $name!";



echo $functions->find('boot'); // ICanBoogie\boot

use Patron\FunctionCollection;

$functions = new FunctionCollection([

	'hello' => function($name = "world") {
	    return "Hello $name!";


echo $functions->hello("Olivier"); // Hello Olivier!