1. Go to this page and download the library: Download icehawk/forms library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
icehawk / forms example snippets
namespace MyVendor\MyProject;
use IceHawk\Forms\Security\Token;
# Create a new token (without expiry)
$token = new Token();
echo $token->toString(); # or echo $token;
# Create a new token (with expiry in 50 seconds)
$token = (new Token())->expiresIn( 50 );
# Create a token from string (i.e. when sent through a post form)
$token = Token::fromString( '...' );
# Compare tokens
$token = new Token();
$other = new Token();
$another = Token::fromString($token->toString());
$token->equals($other); # false
$other->equals($token); # false
$token->equals($another); # true
$other->equals($another); # true
# ...
# Check token expiry
$token = (new Token())->expiresIn( 2 );
$token->isExpired(); # false
$token->isExpired(); # true
namespace MyVendor\MyProject;
use IceHawk\Forms\Feedback;
# Create a new feedback with default severity (Feedback::ERROR)
$feedback = new Feedback( 'message' );
# Create a new feedback with explicit severity
# Available severities: Feedback::ERROR (default), Feedback::WARNING, Feedback::NOTICE, Feedback::SUCCESS, Feedback::NONE
$feedback = new Feedback( 'message', Feedback::WARNING );
# Retrieve feedback message
$message = $feedback->getMessage();
# Retrieve feedback severity
$severity = $feedback->getSeverity();
namespace MyVendor\MyProject;
use IceHawk\Forms\Form;
use IceHawk\Forms\FormId;
use IceHawk\Forms\Feedback;
use IceHawk\Forms\Security\Token;
# Create a new instance identified by a form ID
$form = new Form( new FormId( 'myForm' ) );
# Check if form has already data set
if ( $form->wasDataSet() )
# Set up some default data (single)
$form->set( 'username', 'johndoe' );
# Set up some default data (multiple)
'firstname' => 'John',
'lastname' => 'Doe',
# Retrieve the initially set CSRF token
$token = $form->getToken();
# Renew the CSRF token (Default Token class is used, see above)
# Renew the CSRF token with expiry in 10 minutes
$form->renewToken( (new Token())->expiresIn( 600 ) );
# Renew the CSRF token with own token implementation
# Token implementation must follow the \IceHawk\Forms\Interfaces\IdentifiesFormRequestSource interface
$form->renewToken( new MyToken() );
# Check if CSRF token is valid (boolean)
# Checks token string and expiry
$token = Token::fromString( $_POST['token'] );
$form->isTokenValid( $token );
# Check if CSRF token is valid (throws exceptions)
# Checks token string and expiry
# Throws \IceHawk\Forms\Excpetion\TokenMismatch, if token string does not match
# Throws \IceHawk\Forms\Excpetion\TokenHasExpired, if token has expired
$token = Token::fromString( $_POST['token'] );
$form->guardTokenIsValid( $token );
# Check if token is expired
# Check if a key isset
$form->isset( 'username' );
# Retrieve single value
# Returns NULL, if the key was not set
$username = $form->get( 'username' );
# Retrieve all values incl. keys (assoc. array)
$formData = $form->getData();
# Unset a value
$form->unset( 'username' );
# Add single feedback (using default \IceHawk\Forms\Feedback class)
# Feedback can but must not be bound to data keys
# Feedback::ERROR is the default severity
$form->addFeedback( 'username', new Feedback( 'Username is invalid', Feedback::ERROR );
# Add multiple feedbacks (using default \IceHawk\Forms\Feedback class)
'general' => new Feedback( 'Some errors occurred.', Feedback::WARNING ),
'username' => new Feedback( 'Username is invalid.', Feedback::ERROR ),
# Add feedback with own feedback implementation
# Feedback implementation must follow the \IceHawk\Forms\Interfaces\ProvidesFeedback interface
$form->addFeedback( 'firstname', new MyFeedback( 'Firstname is invalid.' ) );
# Check for feedbacks
$form->hasFeedbacks(); # true
# Check for single feedback
if ( $form->hasFeedback( 'username' ) )
# Retrieve single feedback
$usernameFeedback = $form->getFeedback( 'username' );
# Retrieve all feedbacks
$feedbacks = $form->getFeedbacks();
# Retrive feedbacks filtered by keys
$filteredFeedbacks = $form->getFeedbacks(
function( ProvidesFeedback $feedback, string $key )
return ($key == 'general');
# Retrive feedbacks filtered by severity
$filteredFeedbacks = $form->getFeedbacks(
function( ProvidesFeedback $feedback )
return ($feedback->getSeverity() == Feedback::ERROR);
# Retrieve an empty feedback for a key that was not set
# Returns new Feedback( '', Feedback::NONE );
$emptyFeedback = $form->getFeedback( 'email' );
# Reset all feedbacks
# Reset the form to initial state and renew CSRF token
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