PHP code example of icanboogie / facets

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download icanboogie/facets library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


icanboogie / facets example snippets

use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord;
use ICanBoogie\Facets\Fetcher\BasicFetcher;

$model = ActiveRecord\get_model('articles');

$fetcher = new BasicFetcher($model);
$records = $fetcher([

    'year' => "2010..2014",
    'is_online' => true,
    'category' => "music",
    'order' => "-date",
    'limit' => 10


$records = $model->fetch_records([

    'year' => "2010..2014",
    'is_online' => true,
    'category' => "music",
    'order' => "-date",
    'limit' => 10


$records = $model->fetch_records($conditions, $fetcher);

use ICanBoogie\Facets\RecordCollection;

$records = $fetcher(…);

new RecordCollection\AlterEvent($records);

use ICanBoogie\Facets\CriterionList;
use App\Modules\Vehicles;

$criterion_list = new CriterionList([

    'family'   => Vehicles\Families\FamilyCriterion::class,
    'brand'    => Vehicles\Brands\BrandCriterion::class,
    'category' => Vehicles\Categories\CategoryCriterion::class,
    'color'    => Vehicles\Colors\ColorCriterion::class,
    'energy'   => Vehicles\Energies\EnergyCriterion::class,
    'engine'   => Vehicles\Engines\EngineCriterion::class,
    'doors'    => Vehicles\DoorsCriterion::class,
    'year'     => Vehicles\YearCriterion::class,
    'price'    => Vehicles\PriceCriterion::class


$modifiers = $_GET + [

    'q' => null,     // reserved keyword for query string
    'order' => null  // reserved keyword for records order


if ($modifiers['q'])
    $q = $criterion_list->parse_query_string($modifiers['q']);

    echo "The following words were matched: " . implode(' ', $q->matched) . '<br />';
    echo "The following words were not matched: " . implode(' ', $q->not_matched) . '<br />';

    // we choose to _OR_ criterion values
    $modifiers += array_map(function($v) { return implode('|', $v); }, $q->matches);

# Parameters are passed by reference, $values and $query are likely to be modified.

$conditions = [];

->alter_conditions($conditions, $modifiers)
->alter_query_with_conditions($query, $conditions);

if ($modifiers['order'])
    $criterion_list->alter_query_with_order($query, $modifiers['order']);

$count = $query->count;            // count all the records matching the query
$records = $query->limit(20)->all; // fetch a maximum of 20 records

use ICanBoogie\Facets\CriterionValue\IntervalCriterionValue;

$value = IntervalCriterionValue::from('123..456'); // between 123 and 456
$value = IntervalCriterionValue::from('123..');    // >= 123
$value = IntervalCriterionValue::from('..456');    // <= 456

$value = IntervalCriterionValue::from([ 'min' => '123', 'max' => '456' ]); // between 123 and 456
$value = IntervalCriterionValue::from([ 'min' => '123', 'max' => null ]);  // >= 123
$value = IntervalCriterionValue::from([ 'min' => null, 'max' => '456' ]);  // <= 456

$value = new IntervalCriterionValue(123, 456);  // between 123 and 456
$value = new IntervalCriterionValue(null, 456); // >= 123
$value = new IntervalCriterionValue(123, null); // <= 456

use ICanBoogie\Facets\CriterionValue\IntervalCriterionValue;

echo new IntervalCriterionValue(123, 456);    // "123..456"
echo new IntervalCriterionValue(123, null);   // "123.."
echo new IntervalCriterionValue(null, 456);   // "..456"
echo new IntervalCriterionValue(123, 123);    // "123"
echo new IntervalCriterionValue(null, null);  // ""

use ICanBoogie\Facets\CriterionValue\SetCriterionValue;

$value = SetCriterionValue::from('1|2');                    // 1 or 2
$value = SetCriterionValue::from([ 1 => 'on', 2 => 'on' ]); // 1 or 2
$value = new SetCriterionValue([ 1, 2 ]);                   // 1 or 2

use ICanBoogie\Facets\CriterionValue\SetCriterionValue;

echo new SetCriterionValue([ 1, 2, 3 ]); // "1|2|3"
echo new SetCriterionValue([ 1 ]);       // "1"
echo new SetCriterionValue([ ]);         // ""

// config/activerecord.php

return [

    'facets' => [

        'nodes' => [

            'nid' => Icybee\Modules\Nodes\NidCriterion::class,
            'slug' => Icybee\Modules\Nodes\SlugCriterion::class


        'articles' => [

            'month' => Icybee\Modules\Articles\MonthCriterion::class,
            'year' => Icybee\Modules\Articles\YearCriterion::class




use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord;

$model = ActiveRecord\get_model('articles');

# [ 'nid', 'slug', 'month', 'year' ]

$criterion_list = $model->criterion_list;