PHP code example of icanboogie / datetime

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download icanboogie/datetime library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


icanboogie / datetime example snippets

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

date_default_timezone_set('EST'); // set local time zone to Eastern Standard Time

$time = new DateTime('now', 'Europe/Paris');

echo $time;                             // 2013-02-03T21:03:45+0100
echo $time->utc;                        // 2013-02-03T20:03:45Z
echo $time->local;                      // 2013-02-03T15:03:45-0500
echo $time->utc->local;                 // 2013-02-03T15:03:45-0500
echo $time->utc->is_utc;                // true
echo $time->utc->is_local;              // false
echo $time->local->is_utc;              // false
echo $time->local->is_local;            // true
echo $time->is_dst;                     // false

echo $time->as_rss;                     // Sun, 03 Feb 2013 21:03:45 +0100
echo $time->as_db;                      // 2013-02-03 21:03:45

echo $time->as_time;                    // 21:03:45
echo $time->utc->as_time;               // 20:03:45
echo $time->local->as_time;             // 15:03:45
echo $time->utc->local->as_time;        // 15:03:45

echo $time->quarter;                    // 1
echo $time->week;                       // 5
echo $time->day;                        // 3
echo $time->minute;                     // 3
echo $time->is_monday;                  // false
echo $time->is_saturday;                // true
echo $time->is_today;                   // true
echo $time->tomorrow;                   // 2013-02-04T00:00:00+0100
echo $time->tomorrow->is_future;        // true
echo $time->yesterday;                  // 2013-02-02T00:00:00+0100
echo $time->yesterday->is_past;         // true
echo $time->monday;                     // 2013-01-28T00:00:00+0100
echo $time->sunday;                     // 2013-02-03T00:00:00+0100

echo $time->timestamp;                  // 1359921825
echo $time;                             // 2013-02-03T21:03:45+0100
$time->timestamp += 3600 * 4;
echo $time;                             // 2013-02-04T01:03:45+0100

echo $time->zone;                       // Europe/Paris
echo $time->zone->offset;               // 3600
echo $time->zone->location;             // FR,48.86667,2.33333
echo $time->zone->location->latitude;   // 48.86667
$time->zone = 'Asia/Tokyo';
echo $time;                             // 2013-02-04T09:03:45+0900

$time->hour += 72;
echo "Rendez-vous in 72 hours: $time";  // Rendez-vous in 72 hours: 2013-02-07T05:03:45+0900

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$time = new DateTime('0000-00-00', 'utc');
// or
$time = DateTime::none();

echo $time->is_empty;                   // true
echo $time->as_date;                    // 0000-00-00
echo $time->as_db;                      // 0000-00-00 00:00:00
echo $time;                             // ""

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$time = new DateTime('2014-01-06 11:11:11', 'utc'); // a monday at 11:11:11 UTC

echo $time->monday;                          // 2014-01-06T00:00:00Z
echo $time->tuesday;                         // 2014-01-07T00:00:00Z
echo $time->wednesday;                       // 2014-01-08T00:00:00Z
echo $time->thursday;                        // 2014-01-09T00:00:00Z
echo $time->friday;                          // 2014-01-10T00:00:00Z
echo $time->saturday;                        // 2014-01-11T00:00:00Z
echo $time->sunday;                          // 2014-01-12T00:00:00Z

$time->monday->is_monday;                    // true
$time->tuesday->is_tuesday;                  // true
$time->wednesday->is_wednesday;              // true
$time->thursday->is_thursday;                // true
$time->friday->is_friday;                    // true
$time->saturday->is_saturday;                // true
$time->sunday->is_sunday;                    // true

$time->monday->is_tuesday;                   // false
$time->tuesday->is_wednesday;                // false
$time->wednesday->is_thursday;               // false
$time->thursday->is_friday;                  // false
$time->friday->is_saturday;                  // false
$time->saturday->is_sunday;                  // false
$time->sunday->is_monday;                    // false

$time->monday->weekday;                      // 1
$time->tuesday->weekday;                     // 2
$time->wednesday->weekday;                   // 3
$time->thursday->weekday;                    // 4
$time->friday->weekday;                      // 5
$time->saturday->weekday;                    // 6
$time->sunday->weekday;                      // 7

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$now = DateTime::now();


$now == DateTime::now();         // true
$now == DateTime::right_now();   // false

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$d1 = DateTime::now();
$d2 = DateTime::now();

$d1 == $d2; // true
$d1 >= $d2; // true
$d1 <= $d2; // true
$d1 != $d2; // false
$d1 > $d2;  // false
$d1 < $d2;  // false

$d1 != $d2; // true
$d1 < $d2;  // true
$d2 > $d1;  // true
$d1 == $d2; // false
$d1 >= $d2; // false
$d2 <= $d1; // false

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$now = DateTime::now();

$now > $now->yesterday && $now < $now->tomorrow; // true

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$now = DateTime::now();
$yesterday = $now->yesterday;
$tomorrow = $now->tomorrow;

$yesterday === min($now, $yesterday, $tomorrow); // true
$tomorrow  === max($now, $yesterday, $tomorrow); // true

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$date = new DateTime("2014-10-23 13:50:10", "Europe/Paris");

echo json_encode([ 'date' => $date ]);
// {"date":"2014-10-23T13:50:10+0200"}

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$date = DateTime::now()->change([ 'year' => 2015, 'month' => 5, 'hour' => 12 ]);

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

echo DateTime::from("2015-05-05 12:13:14")->change([ 'hour' => 13 ], true);   // 2015-05-05 13:00:00

use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$now = DateTime::now();
$next_year = $now->with([ 'year' => $now->year + 1 ]);

spl_object_hash($now) == spl_object_hash($next_year);   // false

use ICanBoogie\CLDR\Repository;
use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

// …

/* @var Repository $repository */

DateTime::$localizer = function(DateTime $instance, $locale) use ($repository) {

	return $repository->locales[$locale]->localize($instance);


$date = DateTime::from('2015-05-05 23:21:05', 'UTC');

echo $date->localize('fr')->format('long');   // mardi 5 mai 2015 23:13:05 UTC
echo $date->localize('fr')->as_medium;        // 5 mai 2015 23:13:05