PHP code example of icanboogie / accessor

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download icanboogie/accessor library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


icanboogie / accessor example snippets

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait;

 * @property-read mixed $property
class ReadOnlyProperty
    use AccessorTrait;

    protected function get_property()
        return 'value';

$a = new ReadOnlyProperty;
echo $a->property;     // value
$a->property = null;   // throws ICanBoogie\PropertyNotWritable

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait;

 * @property-read mixed $property
class ReadOnlyProperty
    use AccessorTrait;

    private $property = "value";

    protected function get_property()
        return $this->property;

$a = new ReadOnlyProperty;
echo $a->property;     // value
$a->property = null;   // throws ICanBoogie\PropertyNotWritable

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait;

class Connection
    // …

 * @property-read Connection $connection
class Model
    use AccessorTrait;

     * @var Connection
    private $connection;

    protected function get_connection(): Connection
        return $this->connection;

    protected $options;

    public function __construct(Connection $connection, array $options)
        $this->connection = $connection;
        $this->options = $options;

$connection = new Connection(…);
$model = new Model($connection, …);

$connection === $model->connection;   // true
$model->connection = null;            // throws ICanBoogie\PropertyNotWritable

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait;

 * @property-write mixed $property
class WriteOnlyProperty
    use AccessorTrait;

    protected function set_property($value)
        // …

$a = new WriteOnlyProperty;
$a->property = 'value';
echo $a->property;   // throws ICanBoogie\PropertyNotReadable

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait;

 * @property-write mixed $property
class WriteOnlyProperty
    use AccessorTrait;

    private $property = 'value';

    protected function set_property($value)
        $this->property = $value;

$a = new WriteOnlyProperty;
$a->property = 'value';
echo $a->property;   // throws ICanBoogie\PropertyNotReadable

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait;

 * @property int $minutes
class Time
    use AccessorTrait;

    public $seconds;

    protected function set_minutes(int $minutes)
        $this->seconds = $minutes * 60;

    protected function get_minutes(): int
        return $this->seconds / 60;

$time = new Time;
$time->seconds = 120;
echo $time->minutes;   // 2

$time->minutes = 4;
echo $time->seconds;   // 240

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait;

class Article
    use AccessorTrait;

    public $title;
    public $slug;

    public function __construct(string $title, string $slug = null)
        $this->title = $title;

        if ($slug)
            $this->slug = $slug;

    protected function get_slug(): string
        return \ICanBoogie\normalize($this->title);

$article = new Article("This is my article");
echo $article->slug;   // this-is-my-article
$article->slug = "my-article";
echo $article->slug;   // my-article
echo $article->slug;   // this-is-my-article

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait;
use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

 * @property DateTime $created_at
class Article
    use AccessorTrait;

    private $created_at;

    protected function set_created_at($datetime)
        $this->created_at = $datetime;

    protected function get_created_at(): DateTime
        $datetime = $this->created_at;

        if ($datetime instanceof DateTime)
            return $datetime;

        return $this->created_at = ($datetime === null) ? DateTime::none() : new DateTime($datetime, 'utc');

$article = new Article;
$article->created_at = 'now';

$test = unserialize(serialize($article));
echo get_class($test->created_at);           // ICanBoogie/DateTime
$article->created_at == $test->created_at;   // true

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait;

 * @property string $pseudo_uniqid
class PseudoUniqID
    use AccessorTrait;

    protected function lazy_get_pseudo_uniqid(): string
        return uniqid();

$a = new PseudoUniqID;

echo $a->pseudo_uniqid; // 5089497a540f8
echo $a->pseudo_uniqid; // 5089497a540f8


echo $a->pseudo_uniqid; // 508949b5aaa00
echo $a->pseudo_uniqid; // 508949b5aaa00

$a = new PseudoUniqID;

echo $a->pseudo_uniqid;   // a009b3a984a50
$a->pseudo_uniqid = 123456;
echo $a->pseudo_uniqid;   // 123456

echo $a->pseudo_uniqid;   // 57e5ada092180

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait;

 * @property-read string $property
class Plain
    use AccessorTrait;

    protected function get_property()
        return "value";

class Awesome extends Plain
    protected function get_property()
        return "awesome " . parent::get_property();

$plain = new Plain;
echo $plain->property;     // value

$awesome = new Awesome;
echo $awesome->property;   // awesome value

use ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorCamelTrait;

 * @property-read $camelProperty
class CamelExample
    use AccessorCamelTrait;

    private $camelProperty;

    protected function getCamelProperty()
        return $this->camelProperty;

    public function __construct($value)
        $this->camelProperty = $value;

$a = new CamelExample("value");
echo $a->camelProperty;   // value