PHP code example of ibraheem-ghazi / stager

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ibraheem-ghazi/stager library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ibraheem-ghazi / stager example snippets

 * On each modification happened to this config file you must run artisan command stager:generate to update files and ide helpers
 * NOTE: any key must be in kebab-case only
return [

        'ide-helper-path'=>'stager-methods-ide-helper.php',//where to save ide helper file (currently in root)
        'fail-throw-exception'=>true, //useful for debug , for production its better to turn it off
        'schedule-cronjob'=>'0 * * * *', //run cron job every hour once to handle schedule
        'unauthorized-gaurd-exception'=>true,//should throw unauthorized exception if guard requesting this transition is not in guard array , if false then can method only return false without exception

        //generator config
        'constants-prefix'=>'STATE_', //
            // you can use this a trait to add shared functionality to all models that use stager
            // or to override scopeStateChangeWithin , getStateChangedAt functions

          //  \App\Traits\SharedTrait::class,


    \App\Payment::class => [

        'state-column'=>'state', //(optional, default: state)

        'init-state'=>'pending',//(optional, default: the first defined state

        'states' => [
            //state-name => numeric value
            'pending' =>1,
            'ended' => 4,



                //if last state change time has passed trigger-delay then it will be included in transition run
                // for example:  run transition for all payments that has state 'pending' and changed from 2 days or more
                'trigger-delay' =>[

                // the transition to be run on each row apply this schedule 

function preCancelOrderTransition(...$args){
