1. Go to this page and download the library: Download iagapie/matrix-php library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
iagapie / matrix-php example snippets
use IA\Matrix\ImmutableMatrix as M;
use IA\Matrix\MatrixInterface as Mi;
class NeuralNetwork
private $w1;
private $w2;
private $z2;
private $z3;
public function __construct($inputSize = 2, $hiddenSize = 3, $outputSize = 1)
$this->w1 = M::randn([$inputSize, $hiddenSize]);
$this->w2 = M::randn([$hiddenSize, $outputSize]);
public function predict(Mi $x): Mi
return $this->forward($x);
public function train(Mi $x, Mi $y, int $epochs = 15000, bool $verbose = true): void
if ($verbose) {
printf("Training Input (scaled): \n%s\n", $x);
printf("Training Output: \n%s\n", $y);
for ($i = 0; $i < $epochs; ++$i) {
$o = $this->forward($x);
$this->backward($x, $y, $o);
if ($verbose) {
printf("\n# %s\n", $i);
printf("Predicted Output: \n%s\n", $o->__toString());
$loss = $y->sub($o)->apply(function ($value) { return $value * $value; })->mean();
printf("Loss: \n%s\n", $loss);
private function forward(Mi $x): Mi
$z = $x->dot($this->w1);
$this->z2 = $this->sigmoid($z);
$this->z3 = $this->z2->dot($this->w2);
$o = $this->sigmoid($this->z3);
return $o;
private function backward(Mi $x, Mi $y, Mi $o): void
$error = $y->sub($o);
$delta = $error->mul($this->sigmoidPrime($o));
$z2Error = $delta->dot($this->w2->transpose());
$z2Delta = $z2Error->mul($this->sigmoidPrime($this->z2));
$this->w1 = $this->w1->add($x->transpose()->dot($z2Delta));
$this->w2 = $this->w2->add($this->z2->transpose()->dot($delta));
private function sigmoid(Mi $s): Mi
return $s->apply(function ($value) {
return 1 / (1 + exp(-$value));
private function sigmoidPrime(Mi $s): Mi
return $s->apply(function ($value) {
return $value * (1 -$value);
$x = M::from([[0.4, 0.9], [0.2, 0.5], [0.6, 0.6]]);
$y = M::from([[92], [86], [89]])->div(100);
$nn = new NeuralNetwork();
$nn->train($x, $y);
$xp = M::from([[1., 1.]]);
$predicted = $nn->predict($xp);
printf("\nPredicted data based on trained weights:\n");
printf("Input (scaled):\n%s\n", $xp->__toString());
printf("Output:\n%s\n", $predicted->__toString());
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