PHP code example of i-am-tom / schemer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download i-am-tom/schemer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


i-am-tom / schemer example snippets

chemer\Validator as V;
use Schemer\Formatter as F;

$validator = V::assoc([
    'username' => V::text()

    'age' => V::integer()

    'email' => V::text()

    'friends' => V::collection(

$formatter = F::assoc([
    'age' => F::integer(),

    'friends' => F::collection(

// $_GET = [
//     'username' => 'agilebear',
//     'email' => '[email protected]',
//     'age' => '40'
// ];

$formatted = $formatter->format($_GET);
// $formatted = [
//     'username' => 'agilebear',
//     'email' => '[email protected]',
//     'age' => 40,
//     'friends' => []
// ];

    ->isError(); // false

$result = $validator->validate([
    'username' => 'criminal',
    'friends' => 3

$result->isError(); // true
// [
//     'age: missing key',
//     'email: missing key',
//     'friends: not an array'
// ]

    'username' => 'criminal',
    'friends' => 3
// [
//     'age' => Result::failure('missing key'),
//     'email' => Result::failure('missing key'),
//     'friends' => Result::failure('not an array')
// ]

$integer = Schemer\Validator::integer();
$integer->min(2); // This returns a NEW validator.

$integer->validate(1)->isError(); // false

// Format the value as an associative array with a [key => Formatter] schema.
Schemer\Formatter::assoc(array $schema)
    ->only(array $keys) // Strip unmentioned keys.
    ->rename(string $from, string $to) // Rename a key.
    ->renameMany(array $map) // Rename keys according to a [key => value] map.
    ->strip(array $keys) // Strip mentioned keys.

Schemer\Formatter::boolean() // Format as boolean.

// Format the value to an array of elements formatted accordingly.
Schemer\Formatter::collection(Schemer\Formatter\FormatterInterface $formatter)
    // Sort the values, either with sort() or a given comparator.
    ->sort(callable $comparator = null)
    ->truncate(int $maximum) // Strip values after a given length.
    ->unique() // Strip duplicates.

    ->abs() // Make the value positive if negative.
    ->max(int $boundary) // Cap the value at a maximum.
    ->min(int $boundary) // Make the value at least a minimum.

    ->abs() // Make the value positive if negative.
    ->max(int $boundary) // Cap the value at a maximum.
    ->min(int $boundary) // Make the value at least a minimum.

    ->lowercase() // Transform to lowercase.

    // Replace according to a regular expression.
    ->replace(string $regex, string $replacement)
    ->translate(string $from, string $to) // Translate characters.
    ->trim(string $mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B") // Trim the string ends.
    ->truncate(int $maximum) // Cut the string to a maximum length.
    ->uppercase() // Transform to uppercase.

// Included on every validator.
  // Create a non-fatal validator from a bool-returning predicate function.
  ->should(callable $predicate, string $error = 'unsatisfied predicate')

  // Create a fatal validator from a bool-returning predicate function.
  ->must(callable $predicate, string $error = 'unsatisfied predicate')

  // Validate a given value against this validator.

// Included on Assoc and Collection. Extends ValidatorAbstract.

  // Validate a given value to produce a NestableResult.

Schemer\Validator::any() // Accept all values of any type.

 // Allowed values. This is a specialised Any.
Schemer\Validator::allow(array $whitelist)

// Validate according to a schema. This is a [key => Validator] set,
// where the Validator can be any ValidatorInterface implementation.
Schemer\Validator::assoc(array $schema = [])
    ->length(int $count) // Set the ble $comparator = null)
    ->unique() // All values must be unique.

// Accept objects of a given class. This is a specialised Any.
Schemer\Validator::instanceOf(string $comparison)

Schemer\Validator::integer() // Accept integer values. Specialised Real.

// Accept a value that matches one of an array of validators.
// This is a specialised Any.
Schemer\Validator::oneOf(array $validators)

Schemer\Validator::real([string $error]) // Accept floating-point values.
    ->exactly(float $value[, string $error]) // Set the