PHP code example of hypercharge / hypercharge-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hypercharge/hypercharge-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hypercharge / hypercharge-php example snippets

// config.php

// config.php

// see field 'currency'
$channelToken = 'YOUR-USD-CHANNEL-TOKEN';

$sale = Hypercharge\Transaction::sale($channelToken, array(
  'currency'          => 'USD'
  ,'amount'           => 7700 // in cents, must be int
  ,'transaction_id'   => 'YOUR-GENERATED-UNIQUE-ID' // TODO your order-id here
  ,'usage'            => 'Appears in the customers bank statement'
  ,'card_holder'      => 'Max Mustermann'
  ,'expiration_month' => '07'
  ,'expiration_year'  => '2018'
  ,'card_number'      => '4200000000000000'
  ,'cvv'              => '123'
  ,'customer_email'   => '[email protected]'
  ,'customer_phone'   => '+403012345678'

  // TODO: dummy for cli run only. remove!
  ,'remote_ip'        => ''
  // TODO: uncomment
  //,'remote_ip'        => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']

  ,"billing_address" => array(
      "first_name" =>"Max",
      "last_name"  =>"Mustermann",
      "address1"   =>"Muster Str. 12",
      "zip_code"   =>"10178",
      "city"       =>"Berlin",
      "country"    =>"DE"

if($sale->isApproved()) {
  // cc transaction successfull
} else {

$channelToken = 'YOUR-USD-CHANNEL-TOKEN';
try {
  $sale = Hypercharge\Transaction::sale($channelToken, array(
    'currency'          => 'USD'
    ,'amount'           => 7700 // in cents, must be int
    ,'transaction_id'   => 'YOUR-GENERATED-UNIQUE-ID' // TODO your order-id here
    ,'usage'            => 'Appears in the customers bank statement'
    ,'card_holder'      => 'Max Mustermann'
    ,'expiration_month' => '07'
    ,'expiration_year'  => '2018'
    ,'card_number'      => '4200000000000000'
    ,'cvv'              => '123'
    ,'customer_email'   => '[email protected]'
    ,'customer_phone'   => '+403012345678'
    ,'remote_ip'        => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
    ,"billing_address" => array(
        "first_name" =>"Max",
        "last_name"  =>"Mustermann",
        "address1"   =>"Muster Str. 12",
        "zip_code"   =>"10178",
        "city"       =>"Berlin",
        "country"    =>"DE"

  if($sale->isApproved()) {
    echo "cc transaction successfull\n";
  } else {
    echo "cc transaction FAILED\n";
} catch(Hypercharge\Errors\ValidationError $e) {
  echo "local validation errors\n";
  print_r( $e->errors );

} catch(Exception $e) {
  echo "severe error\n";

try {
  // create the WPF payment session
  $payment = Hypercharge\Payment::wpf(array(
    'currency' => 'EUR'
    ,'amount' => 1000 // in cents
    ,'transaction_id' => 'YOUR-GENERATED-UNIQUE-ID' // TODO replace with your e.g. order id
    ,'description' => 'Appears as intro text in the WPF form'
    ,'usage' => 'Appears in the customers bank statement'

    // TODO: set your PaymentNotification handler url here
    ,'notification_url' => ''

    // TODO: set your return pages for the user here. These are the pages he is shown after leaving the WPF
    ,'return_success_url' => ''
    ,'return_failure_url' => ''
    ,'return_cancel_url'  => ''

    ,'billing_address' => array(
        'first_name' =>'Max',
        'last_name'  =>'Mustermann',
        'address1'   =>'Muster Str. 12',
        'zip_code'   =>'10178',
        'city'       =>'Berlin',
        'country'    =>'DE'

  if($payment->shouldRedirect()) {
    // ok, WPF session created.

    // TODO: pseudocode, comment or replace with your own business logic!
    store_hypercharge_payment_unique_id_to_your_order( $payment->unique_id );

    // redirect user to WPF
    header('Location: '. $payment->getRedirectUrl());

  // handle errors...
  } elseif($payment->isPersistentInHypercharge()) {
    // payment has been created in hypercharge but something went wrong.

    // TODO: pseudocode, comment or replace with your own business logic!
    store_hypercharge_payment_unique_id_to_your_order( $payment->unique_id );

    // 1.) check $payment->error (a subclass of Hypercharge\Errors\Error)
    //     and show error message to customer
    // 2.) manually login to hypercharge merchant backend.
    //     Go to "Payments", search by unique_id and analize the log messages.

  } else {
    // TODO handle error
    // authentication error? check $login, $password
    // inputdata error? check your php code for missing or misspelled fields.


} catch(Hypercharge\Errors\ValidationError $e) {
  // no payment created in hypercharge because of local pre-validation errors

  // show validation errors to customer
  // $e->errors is an Array of Hash, format: [ { "property": String , "message" : String }, ... ]

} catch(Exception $e) {
  // severe error
  // log $e
  // display apologies to customer

    header('Location: '. $payment->getRedirectUrl('de'));

// $notification is an instance of Hypercharge\PaymentNotification
$notification = Hypercharge\Payment::notification($_POST);
if($notification->isVerified()) {
  $payment = $notification->getPayment();
  if($notification->isApproved()) {

    // payment successfull
    // implement your business logic here

  } else {

    // payment NOT successfull
    // check $payment->status
    // implement your business logic here


  // http response.
  // Tell hypercharge the notification has been successfully processed
  // and ensure output ends here
  die( $notification->ack() );

} else {
  // signature invalid or message does not come from hypercharge.
  // check your configuration or notificatoin request origin

$notification = Hypercharge\Payment::notification($_POST);
if($notification->isVerified()) {
  $payment = $notification->getPayment();
  if($notification->isApproved()) {

    // payment successfull
    // implement your business logic here

    // example as pseudocode, replace with your own code...

    // store notification status to your database
    // Notice: to be 100% racecondition proof update status to 'payment_approved' has to be done atomically
    $updatedRows = update_order(array(
      'set'   => array('status'=> 'payment_approved'),
      'where' => array('status'=> 'waiting_for_payment_approval'
                      ,'hypercharge_unique_id' => $payment->unique_id

    if($updatedRows == 1) {
      // ok, start shipping
      $order = find_order_where(array('status' => 'payment_approved'
                                      ,'hypercharge_unique_id' => $payment->unique_id

    } else {
      // hypercharge notification already received! ignore duplicate notification.
    // END of your business logic

  } else {

    // payment NOT successfull
    // check $payment->status and handle it

    // ...

    // END of your business logic here


  // Tell hypercharge the notification has been successfully processed
  // and ensure output ends here
  die( $notification->ack() );

} else {
  // signature invalid or message does not come from hypercharge.
  // check your configuration or notificatoin request origin

try {
  // create the mobile payment session
  $payment = Hypercharge\Payment::mobile(array(
    'currency' => 'EUR'
    ,'amount' => 1000 // in cents
    ,'transaction_id' => 'YOUR-GENERATED-UNIQUE-ID'
    ,'usage' => 'Appears in the customers bank statement'
    ,'notification_url' => ''

  if($payment->shouldContinueInMobileApp()) {
    // ok, mobile payment session created.


    // tell your mobile device where to
    // a) submit credit card xml data to (submit_url)
    // b) cancel the payment if user presses 'cancel' in your mobile app (cancel_url)
    // see example below.

  } else {

    // TODO handle error
    // vaildation
    // authentication error -> check $login, $password
    // inputdata error -> check your php code for missing
    // or misspelled fields in $paymentData

} catch(Hypercharge\Errors\Error $e) {
  // no payment created in hypercharge because of local pre-validation errors

  // check your php code
  // display apologies to customer "Sorry, no payment possible at the moment."
  "": ">=5.3",
    "hypercharge/hypercharge-php": "*"
$ php composer.phar install
$ php composer.phar show --installed
hypercharge/hypercharge-php    1.25.5 Hypercharge PHP Library / SDK
hypercharge/hypercharge-schema 1.25.2 Hypercharge API JSON Schema
hypercharge/json-schema-php    1.3.3  A library to validate a json schema.
cd hypercharge-php
php composer.phar update --dev
php test/all.php
php test/remote.php
DEBUG=1 CREDENTIALS=development php test/remote.php