PHP code example of husseinalhammad / fontawesome-svg

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download husseinalhammad/fontawesome-svg library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


husseinalhammad / fontawesome-svg example snippets

// $dir = directory where SVG files are
$FA = new FontAwesomeSVG($dir);

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-solid fa-file');

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-solid fa-file', ['class' => 'my-custom-class another-class']);

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-solid fa-file', ['default_class' => false]);

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-solid fa-file', ['fill' => '#f44336']);

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-solid fa-file', ['title' => 'My accessible icon']);

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-solid fa-file', [
    'class' => 'my-custom-class another-class',
    'default_class' => false,
    'title' => 'My title',
    'role' => 'img',
    'fill' => '#ffffff',

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-duotone fa-laugh-wink', [
    'primary' => [
        'fill'    => '#e64980',
    'secondary' => [
        'fill'    => '#fcc417',
        'opacity' => '1',

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-sharp fa-light fa-file');
echo $FA->get_svg('fa-sharp fa-regular fa-file');
echo $FA->get_svg('fa-sharp fa-solid fa-file');

echo $FA->get_svg('fad fa-laugh-wink', [
    'fill' => '#e64980',

echo $FA->get_svg('fad fa-laugh-wink', [
    'fill'  => '#e64980',
    'class' => 'fa-swap-opacity',

echo $FA->get_svg('fad fa-laugh-wink', [
    'fill' => '#e64980',
    'secondary' => [
        'opacity' => '0.2',

echo $FA->get_svg('fad fa-laugh-wink', [
    'primary' => [
        'fill'    => '#e64980',
        'opacity' => '0.5',
    'secondary' => [
        'fill'    => '#fcc417',
        'opacity' => '1',

echo $FA->get_svg('fab fa-twitter');
echo $FA->get_svg('fad fa-file');
echo $FA->get_svg('fal fa-file');
echo $FA->get_svg('far fa-file');
echo $FA->get_svg('fas fa-file');

// And the new shorthands for thin and sharp
echo $FA->get_svg('fat fa-file'); // thin
echo $FA->get_svg('fasl fa-file'); // sharp-light
echo $FA->get_svg('fasr fa-file'); // sharp-regular
echo $FA->get_svg('fass fa-file'); // sharp-solid

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-solid fa-file', [
    'title' => 'File',
    'title_id' => 'file-id',

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-solid fa-file', [
    'aria-label' => 'File',

echo $FA->get_svg('fa-solid fa-file');