PHP code example of hublint / valfactory

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hublint/valfactory library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hublint / valfactory example snippets

 * @var Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader $autoload
$autoload =  Data
$num = 1233455;
$alphanum = "Hello 123";
$text = 'Hello Dolly';
$email = '[email protected]';
$password = 'secret';
$passwordConfirm = 'secret';

// This may be also be an array of emails from the database.
$existingEmails = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'];

 * Format
 * $val->validate('key1', $data1)->valMethod1();
 * $val->validate('key2', $data2)->valMethod2()->valMethod3();

// Run Validations
$val->validate('alphanum', $alphanum)->notEmpty()->alphaNum()->noWhiteSpace()->limitMin(10);
$val->validate('text', $text)->notEmpty()->alpha()->noWhiteSpace()->limitMax(10);
$val->validate('number', $num)->notEmpty()->numeric()->limit(5, 10);
$val->validate('email', $email)->email()->unique($existingEmails, "We won't take that Email");
$val->validate('password', $password)->notEmpty()->noWhiteSpace();
$val->validate('password_confirmation', $passwordConfirm)->sameAs($password);

// Check for errors
if ($val->passed()) {
	echo "Hurray!";
} else {
	foreach($val->errors as $error){
		echo $error . '<br>';

// The following produces the same results as the above
if ($val->failed()) {
	foreach($val->errors as $error){
		echo $error . '<br>';
} else {
	echo "Hurray!";

 * If validation(s) passed successsfully, $val->failed() returns FALSE, $val->errors returns [] - an empty array.
 * If validation(s) passed successsfully, $val->passed() rerurns TRUE, $val->errors returns [] - an empty array.
 * But,
 * If the validations failed, $val->failed() returns TRUE, $val->errors returns an array of errors.
 * If the validations failed, $val->passed() rerurns FALSE, $val->errors returns an array of errors.

 * Available Methods
 * $customErrorMessage is for setting custom errros, and is optional. 
 * So, only set it when you don't want the default errors. 

// Validation not empty

// Alphabets Only

// Numeric values only

// Alphanumeric characters only

// Must not contain white space

// Validate email

// Checks for uniqueness of data in correspondence to $haystack
unique($haystack, $customErrorMessage);

// Validate with your own RegExp pattern
matchPattern($customPattern, $customErrorMessage);

// Validate data is same as $matchingValue
sameAs($matchingValue, $customErrorMessage);

// Set minimmum and maximmum limits
limit($minCount, $maxCount, $customErrorMessage);

// Set minimmum limit
limitMin($minCount, $customErrorMessage);

// Set maximmum limit
limitMax($maxCount, $customErrorMessage);

 * NOTE: Validation methods must be chained to one validate('key', $data) root method.
 * Example;
 * $val->validate('key', $data)->limit(5, 15);
 * $val->validate('key', $data)->alpha('Characters must be only alphabets Aa-Zz')->noWhiteSpace(5, 15);