PHP code example of httd1 / telegramphp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download httd1/telegramphp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


httd1 / telegramphp example snippets

use \TelegramPhp\Methods;
use \TelegramPhp\Buttons;

// set bot token
\TelegramPhp\Config\Token::setToken ('110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw');

$tlg = new TelegramPhp;

$tlg->command ('/start', function ($bot){

  // send message
  Methods::sendMessage ([
    'chat_id' => $bot->getChatId (),
    'text' => 'Hello 👋'


// Passing parameters to a command with {{info}}
$tlg->command ('/get {{info}}', function ($bot, $data){

  switch ($data ['info']){
    case 'id':
      $user_info = $bot->getUserId ();
    case 'username':
      $user_info = $bot->getUsername ();
    case 'name':
      $user_info = $bot->getFullName ();
      $user_info = "Use <code>/get id or username or name</code>";

  Methods::sendMessage ([
    'chat_id' => $bot->getChatId (),
    'text' => "User Info: <b>{$user_info}</b>",
    'parse_mode' => 'html',
    'reply_markup' => Buttons::inlineKeyBoard ([
      [Buttons::inlineKeyBoardUrl ("Link My Profile", "tg://user?id=".$bot->getUserId ())],
      [Buttons::inlineKeyBoardCallbackData ("Ok, Thanks 👍", "/ok")]


// match pattern
$tlg->commandMatch ('/^\/ok$/', function ($bot){

  Methods::answerCallbackQuery ([
    'callback_query_id' => $bot->getCallbackQueryId (),
    'text' => '💪 Bro'


// commandDefault aways in the end of code!
$tlg->commandDefault (function ($bot){

  Methods::sendMessage ([
    'chat_id' => $bot->getChatId (),
    'text' => 'Chose a command /start, /info with id, name or username'


$secret_token = 'wubbalubbadub_dub';

// set secret_token in webhook
// Methods::setWebhook ([
//   'url' => '',
//   'secret_token' => $secret_token
// ]);

// my secret token
$tlg->setSecretToken ($secret_token);

if ($tlg->checkSecretToken () == false){
    http_response_code (401);

$tlg->command ('👍', function ($bot){

  // process command...


$tlg->command ('/colors {{color_1}} {{color_2}} {{color_3}}', function ($bot, $data){

  // $data ['color_1']...
  // process command...


// run the colors method of ClassBot class
// $tlg->command ('/colors {{color_1}} {{color_2}} {{color_3}}', 'ClassBot:methodColors');

// for namespace use '\MyNamespace\ClassBot:colors'
// $tlg->command ('/colors {{color_1}} {{color_2}} {{color_3}}', '\MyNamespace\ClassBot:colors');

// telegram urls,
$tlg->commandMatch ('/^https?:\/\/t\.me\/\w{5,}$/', function ($bot, $data){

  // $data [0]
  // process command...


// run the executeLinks method of TelegramBot class
// $tlg->commandMatch ('/^https?:\/\/t\.me\/\w{5,}$/', 'TelegramBot:executeLinks');

// for namespace use '\MyNamespace\ClassBot:colors'
// $tlg->commandMatch ('/^https?:\/\/t\.me\/\w{5,}$/', '\MyNamespace\TelegramBot:executeLinks');

// ...command
// ...commandMatch

// in the end of code!
$tlg->commandDefault (function ($bot){
  // send default message


// $tlg->commandDefault ('ControllerBot:default');

Methods::sendMessage ([
  'chat_id' => $bot->getUserId (),
  'text' => '(☞゚ヮ゚)☞',
  'reply_markup' => Buttons::inlineKeyBoard ([
    [Buttons::inlineKeyBoardCallbackData ('Hello', '/hello')],
    // [Buttons::inlineKeyBoardUrl ('Open Link', '')]

Methods::sendMessage ([
  'chat_id' => $bot->getUserId (),
  'text' => 'Hello 👋',
  'reply_markup' => Buttons::replyKeyBoardMarkup ([
    [Buttons::keyBoardButtonText ('Hello')],
    // [Buttons::keyBoardButtonRequestContact ('share your contact')]

Methods::sendMessage ([
  'chat_id' => $bot->getChatId (),
  'text' => '😍🤔👌🔥🤦',
  'reply_markup' => Buttons::forceReply ()

Methods::setMessageReaction ([
  'chat_id' => $bot->getChatId (),
  'message_id' => $bot->getMessageId (),
  'reaction' => Reaction::reactionType ([
      Reaction::reactionTypeEmoji ('❤'),

Methods::setMessageReaction ([
  'chat_id' => $bot->getChatId (),
  'message_id' => $bot->getMessageId (),
  'reaction' => Reaction::reactionType ([
      Reaction::reactionTypeCustomEmoji ('5445284980978621387'),

Methods::sendAudio ([
  'chat_id' => $bot->getChatId (),
  'audio' => curl_file_create (__DIR__.'/music.mp3'),
  'caption' => 'Description music'

Methods::sendPhoto ([
  'chat_id' => $bot->getChatId (),
  'photo' => curl_file_create (__DIR__.'/photo.jpg'),
  'caption' => 'Description photo'

Methods::sendVideo ([
  'chat_id' => $bot->getChatId (),
  'video' => curl_file_create (__DIR__.'/video.mp4'),
  'caption' => 'Description video'

Methods::sendDocument ([
  'chat_id' => $bot->getChatId (),
  'document' => curl_file_create (__DIR__.'/application.apk'),
  'caption' => 'Description file'

$file = Methods::getFile ([
  'file_id' => 'CQACAgEAAxkBAAIBRGMFiJ_7zH2y9lJZxnn-XesvrBIhAALrAgACBcf5R68w-Z9ZMsgUKQQ'

var_dump ($bot->saveFile ($file, __DIR__.'/music.mp3'));

class LogCommands {
  // method log is action, $route, $data){
    // process data

\TelegramPhp\Config\Logs::catchLogs ([
  // LogStatistics::class

$tlg->on ('my_chat_member', function ($bot){
  // code here
// $tlg->on (['message_reaction', 'message'], function ($bot){
  // code here
// });

$tlg->on ('chat_member', 'TelegramBot:myChatMember');