PHP code example of hownowstephen / php-foursquare

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hownowstephen/php-foursquare library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hownowstephen / php-foursquare example snippets

$foursquare = new FoursquareApi("<your client key>", "<your client secret>");

// Searching for venues nearby Montreal, Quebec
$endpoint = "venues/search";
// Prepare parameters
$params = array("near"=>"Montreal, Quebec");

// Perform a request to a public resource
$response = $foursquare->GetPublic($endpoint,$params);

// Returns a list of Venues
// $POST defaults to false
$venues = $foursquare->GetPublic($endpoint [,$params], $POST=false);
// Note: You don't need to add client_id, client_secret, or version to $params

// Setting the access token to enable private requests
// See examples/tokenrequest.php for how to retrieve this
$auth_token = "<your auth token>";

// Request a private endpoint (Requires Acting User)
$endpoint_private = "users/self";

// Returns a single user object
$me = $foursquare->GetPrivate($endpoint_private);
// Note: You don't need to add oauth_token to $params

$foursquare = new FoursquareApi("<your client key>", "<your client secret>");

// Some real url that accepts a foursquare code (see examples/tokenrequest.php)
// This URL should match exactly the URL given in your foursquare developer account settings
$redirect_url = "http://localhost/foursquare_code_handler";

// Generates an authentication link for you to display to your users
// (
$auth_link = $foursquare->AuthenticationLink($redirect_url);
// Converts an authentication code (sent from foursquare to your $redirect_url) into an access token
// Use this on your $redirect_url page (see examples/tokenrequest.php for more)
$code = $_GET['code'];	

$token = $foursquare->GetToken($code, $redirect_url);

// again, redirect_url must match the one you set in your account exactly
// and here is where you would store the token for future usage


export FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_ID=<your client id>
export FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_SECRET=<your client secret>
export FOURSQUARE_TOKEN=<your access token>
phpunit --bootstrap src/FoursquareApi.php tests/FoursquareApiTest.php